Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am a liar and I'm creating a monster

Our incredibly kind neighbors invited us to their lake house on Lake Wauwasee for the weekend. One night while we were discussing a potential boat purchase, they invited us to visit them. After they insisted they were serious while I questioned their sanity, we gladly accepted.

They wanted us to come up Friday, if possible and after Brandon reworked his afternoon, we knew we could make it work. I somehow forgot Alex would be in school. This full day stuff regularly puts a kink in my afternoon plans. We wanted to leave around 3:00. Alex’s day doesn’t end until 3:20, and if he rode the bus home he wouldn’t be home until 3:45. Initially, I thought I’d just pick him up in the carpool lane, but that can take 30 minutes.

So, what’s a mom to do, but write a note claiming a “long scheduled appointment.” I did and Meredith and I picked him up in the office at 3:00 p.m. I was hoping to make a low-key entrance, but Meredith walked right into the corner of an open door and into the school screaming.

I wanted to know if Alex’s teacher asked him about the “appointment,” and he told me nothing much was said. Alex didn’t see a reason why it would be questioned. I told him I thought his teacher might find it fishy since it was the beginning of a holiday weekend when many people travel. Alex looked at me and said, “Yes, I know. If she would have asked me about the appointment, I would have just made something up. You know, doctor, dentist, something like that.”

Considering I can be heard giving lectures on the virtues of telling the truth several times a week, I felt pangs of guilt. I explained to Alex that I didn’t make the best choice and I felt bad for telling a fib---which sounds so much better than the “L word.” He said, “Yea, well you should just get over it. I want to get to the lake before dark.” Really, he’s six and a miniature scoundrel.
In the interest of sparing your eyeballs, I'll do a weekend update with more pictures on Monday. Just in case people actually read this thing.

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