Giuseppe is Jill C.’s little guy, except he’s starting to be not so little anymore. I can’t believe this kid is eight. Giuseppe was the first baby out of all of our friends, so he was the Prince!
Right after he was born, Brandon and I went to visit the new family and Giuseppe was a little fussy. Jill was a brand new mom and really tired and I was so excited to help her in anyway I could. I was able to get this tiny little bundle to stop crying and I felt like a rock star. I paced and bounced and hummed some tune only a newborn would find comforting. He was clam, Jill was calm and all was well. Then, Brandon told me we had to leave. Things went down hill fast. Giuseppe started crying, Jill took over and refused to let me take her newborn son home, and I sobbed all the way to Interstate 70. I loved this little guy and I wanted to stay and help his mom, whom I’d already loved for years!
Jill and her wonderful husband, Gaspare have another son, who will get his own birthday shout out in a couple of days. The really exciting news around the Cucinella house is there will be a new baby GIRL to love in a matter of days. I am at a stage where I am 99.9% sure our family is complete, and I LOVE other people’s babies. I always loved them, but when you’re chasing your own preschooler and nursing an infant, you don’t get much time to sit and cuddle someone else’s little one. Oh, but my day (I guess it’s really Jill’s day) is near.
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIUSEPPE! Auntie Leslie is really, really sorry, for the pathetic hand drawn birthday flair, but it’s the best she can do after a large caffeinated iced coffee. BTW, this picture doesn’t do this kid justice. He is GORGEOUS! This is also the example of a great school picture, that our family fails to live up to.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for the birthday wish Les! Giuseppe thought it was pretty cool to think at first he had a cigar in his mouth!! We had a pretty low key birthday party, not knowing if this baby would land on the same day! We are having a combined party on Monday for both boys with our family. It would be nice if she would cooperate and come right between both birthdays, so in future years would could just have on big party for all three of them within one week! Doesn't that sound just like my mother!! There is a method to my madness! I will let you know the minute anything happens!!
Love you! I'm so lucky to have a friend (sister) like you in my life!
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