Alex was born on Memorial Day in 2002, and the hospital was like a ghost town, because no one schedules inductions on a holiday. We had the run of the place and five labor and delivery nurses.
When I look at pictures I’m dumbfounded by how young we look. I had just turned 26 and Brandon was still 25 when Alex was born. With our genetic issues, it was recommended we close up shop by 30, so we dove in head first.
As with all first-borns, Alex is the guinea pig. We stumble through parenthood and learn as we go. We used to eat dinner with him sitting on the table in a bouncy seat, so we could stare at him. We took him to Disney when he was just over four months old.

Alex is a tough nut. He’s very stubborn and far mouthier than we’d like, but I think it came with the genes. At seven, he still throws temper tantrums and shouts ridiculous things like: “I’m going to saw my bunk bed into a thousand pieces, set it on fire and roast marshmallows over it!” I don’t worry too much because his mother shouts ridiculous things more often than she cares to admit too. “I swear I will pull over on this highway and leave you by the side of the road if you open your mouth one more time!”
Underneath it all, he is a good boy, with a kind heart and empathy for others. He is smart and is far better at math than his mom will ever be. He is inventive and entrepreneurial and tells me what the Dow did every evening. He isn’t the most athletic or coordinated kid, but has a ball playing whatever sport he’s into at the moment. He knew nothing about Star Wars six months ago and now finds Star Wars spoofs on Youtube and saves them to his favorites. He changes every day.
We are so proud of Alex and are anxious to see what God’s plan is for him. I just wish, like every mom does, that I could keep him little forever. The years are ticking by and even on “one of those days,” I try to remind myself to enjoy the moment, even if it is threw tears of frustration. If the last seven years are any indication, the next seven will go even faster.
Happy Birthday Gator! We love you very much!
Happy Birthday to Alex! Ben heard me talking about your post to Kelly and wants to meet him sometime ;) I didn't show him the pancake though because he thinks they only come out of the toaster.
You are an amazing mom! I hope you are letting him read this entry...very special! Happy Birthday Alex!!
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