My friend Robyn just about broke my heart with her comment on my last post. It honestly never occurs to me that anyone reads this, let alone misses it when I don’t write. So Robyn, at least for you, I promise to make a concerted effort with the blog.
I’m just about to wrap up shooting for the year. After Thanksgiving, things slow down considerably. Unless a new baby arrives, no one is very interested in having portraits taken in the dead of winter. This works well for me and my Christmas-crazed family. Aside from “my column” and shooting feature stories for “the paper,” my life is about to get a lot less complicated.
In couldn’t come at a better time. The last couple of weeks I’ve woken feeling terrible. I’ve had a headache, was nauseous, and felt as though I had a fever, when the thermometer I stuck in my ear every hour on the hour told me otherwise. I was whining about it to my friend Dawn who reminded me I’m not getting any younger and maybe it was part of the aging process. Dawn also mentioned I might just need more sleep.
I’ve been able to function well on seven hours for years. In fact, my body usually wakes up once I’ve hit the seven hour mark. My routine lately has been to serve dinner, clean up the kitchen, give Meredith a bath, read to each child, tuck them in, and come downstairs to start editing and writing. I had no problem staying alert until about 11:00 p.m. and then going to bed.
At least once or twice in the night, someone will wake up with an odd request. Normally it’s Meredith, but when Brandon is home he mumbles in his sleep and snores subliminal messages. Really, I’m not kidding. So, I probably don’t get a full night’s rest on any given night, but who does?
The night before last, I decided to try something different. After I put the kids to bed, I didn’t come downstairs to “work.” Instead, I climbed into bed at 8:15 p.m., watched a couple of hours of TV, and went to sleep at 10:00 p.m. Guess what? I woke up without feeling the slightest bit puny.
The scary part? Meredith told me yesterday that she came into my room in the middle of the night and asked me several times if she could use some lotion. She tried to rouse me, but I slept through the entire episode. Evidently she also took a trip downstairs to get new underwear out of the dryer and I didn’t hear a peep. Yikes! I’m a light sleeper and thought I heard every peep my children make, but I was horrified to realize that isn’t the case. I told Meredith that scared me and she said, “Oh geez, if I really needed you, I would have wiggled you OR done a cannon ball on your bed!” Good to know.
I’m chipping away at processing my sessions and writing a few stories here and there. They want me to shoot every cheerleader, artist, and ballerina in Hamilton county at 5:00 p.m. on the other side of town. When Sarah Palin comes to town at 2:00 p.m. on a Thursday, do they need me? Nope. I’m learning to say “No,” when I need to and so far I still have nearly all my hair.
I’m just about to wrap up shooting for the year. After Thanksgiving, things slow down considerably. Unless a new baby arrives, no one is very interested in having portraits taken in the dead of winter. This works well for me and my Christmas-crazed family. Aside from “my column” and shooting feature stories for “the paper,” my life is about to get a lot less complicated.
In couldn’t come at a better time. The last couple of weeks I’ve woken feeling terrible. I’ve had a headache, was nauseous, and felt as though I had a fever, when the thermometer I stuck in my ear every hour on the hour told me otherwise. I was whining about it to my friend Dawn who reminded me I’m not getting any younger and maybe it was part of the aging process. Dawn also mentioned I might just need more sleep.
I’ve been able to function well on seven hours for years. In fact, my body usually wakes up once I’ve hit the seven hour mark. My routine lately has been to serve dinner, clean up the kitchen, give Meredith a bath, read to each child, tuck them in, and come downstairs to start editing and writing. I had no problem staying alert until about 11:00 p.m. and then going to bed.
At least once or twice in the night, someone will wake up with an odd request. Normally it’s Meredith, but when Brandon is home he mumbles in his sleep and snores subliminal messages. Really, I’m not kidding. So, I probably don’t get a full night’s rest on any given night, but who does?
The night before last, I decided to try something different. After I put the kids to bed, I didn’t come downstairs to “work.” Instead, I climbed into bed at 8:15 p.m., watched a couple of hours of TV, and went to sleep at 10:00 p.m. Guess what? I woke up without feeling the slightest bit puny.
The scary part? Meredith told me yesterday that she came into my room in the middle of the night and asked me several times if she could use some lotion. She tried to rouse me, but I slept through the entire episode. Evidently she also took a trip downstairs to get new underwear out of the dryer and I didn’t hear a peep. Yikes! I’m a light sleeper and thought I heard every peep my children make, but I was horrified to realize that isn’t the case. I told Meredith that scared me and she said, “Oh geez, if I really needed you, I would have wiggled you OR done a cannon ball on your bed!” Good to know.
I’m chipping away at processing my sessions and writing a few stories here and there. They want me to shoot every cheerleader, artist, and ballerina in Hamilton county at 5:00 p.m. on the other side of town. When Sarah Palin comes to town at 2:00 p.m. on a Thursday, do they need me? Nope. I’m learning to say “No,” when I need to and so far I still have nearly all my hair.
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