Monday, January 11, 2010

I need a guest house.

How do I say this without sounding ungrateful to have a husband who is home for the week? I don't think I can word it properly, so just know I really do love Brandon. BUT, he's driving me bananas!
We know I don't have any patience, right? We also know I enjoy schedules and consistency. Brandon is throwing me for a loop. Outside of work, or oddly enough vacation, he doesn't appreciate time lines.

It's the middle of the day and I have laundry to fold, "Hey, what are we having for lunch? Let's go get a burger!" It's 1:30 p.m. Meredith's nap time, "Let's go to Costco! Meredith can nap in the car." I pre-cook chicken in the crockpot for homemade chicken noodle soup, "What's for dinner?...How about picking up a pizza?"

Actual dinner times are another land-mind littered area. If Brandon isn't entertaining clients or taking people who work doggedly for him out for a meal, he eats alone in a hotel room. If he's inclined to stretch and yawn loudly during the middle of his salad, so be it! If he decides to wolf down his food and move onto a candy bar, it's within his solitary right to do so. He feels like scraping melted cheese off his fork with his teeth? Nobody is around to care.

Oh, but I care! I really care about all of these things. Should I? Probably not. Is it that big of a deal? To me, it is. I can't stand poor table manners. My mother was a stickler, my grandfather was a huge stickler, even if his shirtless appearance at the dinner table suggested otherwise. I followed suit and want my children to have exemplary table manners. Humor me. It's important and I don't ask for much.

I've also just about had it with the sound of virtual balloons popping. Alex plays a balloon popping game on (right, cool math.). Alex showed Brandon and both of their math facts have improved exponentially.

Brandon has training and actual work to do, but for the next couple of weeks, it looks like he might be doing it from home. Let's hope we all survive!

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