I am so annoyed! For some strange reason, Blogger is refusing to acknowledge paragraphical (Is that a word?!) spacing. I apologize for any eye strain reading this post may cause. Blurgh!
The only remotely interesting thing that went on at our house today was a temper tantrum I don't care to re-hash. Alex threw a fit while leaving Grandma and Grandpa's and like any sane, mature, mother completely in control of her emotions; I waited until we were in the van before I threw mine.
So as a public service, I thought I would show you a great photo editing site instead of airing the sorid details of trying to raise productive citizens.
I'm not great about sitting down to learn new software. I don't read manuals, and the only way I learn is by watching someone else and taking serious notes. I have a scaled down version of Adobe Photoshop, which is the photo editing software most respectable photographers use. My version is called Photoshop Elements, and no one in North America (or the Carribean for that matter...believe me, I checked) offers classroom training for Elements.
Brandon, however is great about all the stuff I'm not, and he's shown me a few things. Mainly, I just get frustrated and leave 90% of my images as they are, SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera). I make every effort to make sure my lighting is great and my camera settings are correct so I don't have spend several frustrating hours editing, but this site allows you to do fun stuff.
MeRa Koh, the amazing photographer I trained with and adore, posted a link on her blog one day to picnik and I was hooked! This site allows you to make simple and somewhat advanced edits to your images, entirely free. They also offer additional advanced editing options, for the very affordable price of $24.95 a year. I swear I do not serve as a rep for them, but I could. I love this site and it's become my go-to option for editing lately.
I know most of you have kids, and all of you take sweet pictures of them. I wanted to share this site with you, along with some of the images I've recently edited so you can see what you can do to your photos after you shoot them.
Do me a favor, and let me know if this post annoyed you and you only want to hear about my family ad nauseum, or if you like this kind of stuff because I've got lots more where this came from. Ha! So please, commment away!
This is SOOC (and somewhat embarrassing.)

My happy little snapper, SOOC (he's cute, but...)
Picnik made the image, much cuter!

Thanks for the link to the photoediting software. I will definitely have to check that out.
I like your tidbits about photography -- but I love reading about your kids and your day-to-day life too! :)
So jealous your trained with mera kho. Just starting out myself and would love that kind of talent to guide me. Love your blog by the way.
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