Twice today I panicked after realizing Meredith wasn’t in her car seat. Flashes of her sitting in a cart in the Target parking lot entered my mind. I had to calmly remind my rattled brain that she was at nursery school.
Maybe all this was foreshadowing. Brandon, who normally flies home on Thursday nights, just called home to tell us his flight is cancelled. We’re having a wintry mix, which gives Northwest a great reason to rest it’s pilots. So, I do have one more day to whip this house into shape after all.
Alex went with me to do the grocery shopping this week. I really, really, really do not like to grocery shop. I hate putting away the groceries even more. I’ve been known to beg the bagger to put all the cold items together, knowing full well I’ll likely throw them in the refrigerator when we get home and leave the rest for later. It’s ridiculous.
As much as I love to cook, I really wish someone else would do the shopping for me. I’ve tried sending Brandon before. It didn’t work out. He came home with most of the stuff on the list plus 42 items that were on clearance. Brandon can spot a partially-deflated, orange clearance balloon a mile away and is physically incapable of staying out of the marked aisle.
Meredith learned the story of Zacchaeus today at school along with the song that goes with it. This is a Bible story that stuck with me as a kid, probably because of the catchy song. Anyway, Meredith had a leg up going into class today. Merdi was thrilled to tell Alex all about it, and as is the story of her life, he had to tell her he already knew it and didn’t need instruction. To further annoy Meredith, Alex is changing the lyrics to things like, “Zaccehaeus, you come down. For I’m going to eat you up in one bite!” Screams ensue.
I learn something new about photography almost every day and a light bulb went off recently that I could just use something…anything…black and in the right lighting, it could serve as a black background without being too “backgroundish.” So, I threw my sweater over the couch today and Meredith flipped herself over the back of the couch, more than willing to serve as a model.
Your kids are so cute. And I also have a secret obsession with the salsa dance although I have never taken any lessons.
Glad your working the sweater, the shot looks great.
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