Friday, May 30, 2008

At Last

Today was the kind of day the kids and I have been waiting for since November.

We had a hard time getting to sleep last night. We did not have a hard time waking up early this morning. They were speaking to me through my bathroom door by 6:45.

I have coffee with friends from our old neighborhood nearly every Friday. Providing one of us doesn’t have a sick kid, a crazy relative crisis, or we oversleep, we meet at a church near us that has a great little coffee shop. Meredith goes with me and Alex was anxious to go. It about kills him Meredith does something with me that doesn’t include him. So, today Alex went along and acted slightly less mannerly than a carnival worker.

On our drive home, we hatched a plan to go to the pool. We knew the heaters were cranked so high the water felt like bathwater, and the air was a reasonable temperature. We threw on our suits and mouthed “good bye” through the glass doors of Brandon’s office. We communicate via lip reading on Fridays because Brandon’s usually on a conference call and always glad to hear about an outing.

When we arrived at the pool we were pleasantly surprised to see real-live neighbors swimming! Aside from the lifeguard, we’re usually the only people. If we do see other children, they’re often accompanied by nannies, but there were parents there…whom I knew! AND, lo and behold, both families have children Alex knows from kindergarten. What was supposed to be a 30 minute swim, turned into two hours.

Later in the day, because my butt is bigger than my brain, we made a chocolate cake. I let Alex crack the eggs, and only found one small piece of shell in our finished product…so far. Meredith wanted to crack an egg, so I let her crack one into a bowl and she and Alex squished around in the yolk for a full five minute. Disgusting? Yes. Potential for salmonella infection? Possibly. Did it buy me time to get the cake into the oven without tripping over children and landing in my oven, which BTW is a real fear of mine? You betcha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That photo of Meredith licking the icing is the cutest ever!!!! It sooooo deserves to be framed....and scrapped too. LOL
