Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to anyone who might be checking in on this really dreary day. I have to tell you the inclement weather saved me from an afternoon spent at the nursery picking out plants.---Which usually turns into chasing the kids through the nursery and asking, begging, pleading, and finally screaming for them to please stay near me. I love summer flowers and because, for some reason I no longer remember, we chose to brick our house in the color of cotton, we desperately need the color. I do not love to plant flowers. I did before I had kids. Now, I have other things to nurture and I have three people to clean after planting flowers.

I woke up this morning to Meredith poking me in the eye and telling me “Happy Smother’s Day.” She knows it’s pronounced “Mother’s Day,” she just prefers to call it “Smother’s Day,” which should probably concern me. Just like any other day, Meredith immediately wanted “brefast,” which she cannot pronounce correctly. Brandon reminded her we were going to brunch and tried to convince her to wait to eat until then. Sure.

Alex followed two minutes later and his enunciation was flawless.

The kids were very excited to give me their cards and the birdhouse/jewelry box Alex made for me. It’s funny to watch them hide stuff from me and really think they’re getting away with something.

We went to brunch at a place near our home with 2,800 other families from Hamilton County. (Sahm's for those of you whom live here.) I threw a minor fit when they wanted us to sit in the bar. Call me crazy, but I didn’t want to eat my Mother’s Day Brunch under a Budweiser sign. Even thought the host assured me it was non-smoking. No kidding. I was a little embarrassed at how insistent I was, but in the end they gave us a better table. The food was great and it was a good thing the HSN dress arrived with an empire waist and forgiving darts. They always have great shrimp. Alex and Meredith can both eat their weight in shrimp. Meredith did her part, but Alex told us twice he just couldn’t stomach eating “any sort of fish for breakfast, even if it is also lunch.”

The rest of the day was kind of a lazy blur. Brandon and Meredith napped while Alex and I went to Target. We left after a meltdown over a camouflaged art box with a lock. We have a minimum of four art boxes that all go unused and I wasn’t about to buy another. When we got home, Brandon and the kids went to my in-laws for a while and I cleaned our bonus room in peace. Oddly enough, there’s little else I’d rather do.

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