I’ve been putting it off for an entire year. My swimming suit had to be replaced. It has seen better days. So have my thighs, and if I was going to buy a new one, it would have to have a skirt. Next to buying jeans, swim suit shopping is my least favorite activity. Anyone sitting next to me could probably pick up on this if they looked at my faded straps and picked seat. I committed myself to buying a new one by telling Meredith we’d go to the mall later in the day. I knew if I mentioned a trip to the mall, she would hold me to it.
The kids were ANGELS. I’m sure I bought Alex more time on the couch by making him stay in the dressing room with me while I pulled on suits and cried about the poor state of my body. He offered his opinions and wound up choosing the winner.---A little number with tummy control and a skirt. (Brandon is most definitely cringing right now and considering a career change that allows him to be home to supervise my parenting.) Meredith just asked for more suits for herself. I told her she didn’t need another one that she had three. She looked at me and said, “Well. I need four!”
I was able to get through the trauma by reminding myself I would be meeting this sweet little guy the next day.

This almost became the world’s longest post, but I can’t be responsible for leg cramps and eye strain, so I’m going to devote an entire post to our trip to Olney.
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