Friday night we had Alex’s soccer team pizza party. We were on time, until we climbed out of the van and Alex announced he forgot to wear shoes. You can imagine the wild enthusiasm with which this was met. Luckily, we were near Old Navy, and we knew they would have flip flops. I ran in and grabbed a pair for each kid; Lord knows we’ll use them. Alex’s were black, and seemed fine until he asked me if all they had were girls’. I then realized there was a hot pink Old Navy logo plastered on the heel.
Our Saturday morning soccer game, the last one of the spring season, was a wash out. I was somewhat thankful for lightening. If it doesn’t lightening, we play in the rain. Blech. I was glad to avoid sitting in the rain watching and dealing with the mess after the game.
We had ballet pictures in the afternoon. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything cuter than six tiny ballerinas all dressed up in pink tutus. Most of them had their hair pulled back into buns, and it made them look so grown up. Our recital is in a couple of weeks. My parents are driving 10 hours round trip for a glimpse of Meredith on stage. Let’s hope she performs, or I’m going to have to serve a really great lunch.
Saturday night I went with friends to see a movie. It was a really fun movie and evoked far more emotion than I expected. I laughed and cried all the way through it. A great reminder of how important good girl friends are. We went out for drinks afterwards and I went to bed way to late, but it was good to be out and about past my bedtime. I've also realized I have diarrhea of the mouth when I'm around other adults. I need to get out more.
We didn’t do much Sunday. I edited loads of pictures and tried to tame the beast that had become my kitchen. I did pick up some herbs while we were out shopping. It will be a miracle if I get to use any of my basil before the rabbits who live under our deck find out about it.
It’s VBS week and the kids are excited. I normally work in the kitchen, but was so late turning in my volunteer form, I’m a floater. Yuck. That means I’ll have to do the jobs that are so unappealing the scheduled volunteer called in sick. I tried to explain that my feelings would, in no way, be hurt if they didn’t need me, but it didn’t work. Ten bucks says I end up in the craft room…
1 comment:
love that last tutu picture she looks like she is having a blast
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