Brandon works so many hours during the week and is away from us so much that he really relishes our weekends and tries to pack as much in as possible. I told him I had to get some stuff done around the house and he said, “What fun is that? This is a holiday.” He and the kids agreed to at least clean the toy rooms if we did something fun later.
We went to lunch and then bowling. Alex wanted to bowl and I was up for anything that offered air conditioning. Brandon embarrassed me by bringing along his own bowling ball and shoes. Honestly, who does that and is not a professional bowler? Evidently, he bowled on some sort of league in high school and has yet to give up the dream. For the record, I don’t think we would have been friends had we known each other in high school. Not that I was all that cool, but I wasn’t on a bowling league. I was in the Latin Club.
As usual, Meredith was a show in and of herself. She would throw the ball and then tap her foot and talk the ball down the lane. She danced like a maniac in her slick rental shoes and thought she got a strike if she knocked down more than one pin. We were barraged with high fives. Alex on the other hand, could barely bring himself to watch his ball make its way down the alley. He did his best to stifle any hint of a smile over a decent frame. Night and day.
Today was Meredith’s first official day of Jr. Pre-School. She was more than ready to go and is confused as to why there is no bus for her school.
One of the things I treasure most about our preschool is the fact that we’ve been attending so long, I know most of the moms. I’ve built some wonderful friendships and always look forward to seeing everyone. Today, I ran into a friend, Sally whom I’ve known for several years and she convinced me to go to breakfast with her. Never mind that I’d already had breakfast and had errands to run, I went.
Sally is every bit as fun as she looks.
Sally and I had a great time catching up at a little outdoor café. We were so loud and laughing so much that I apologized to the insanely well-manicured family sitting next to us. The sweet (and possibly crazy) woman said, “Oh my gosh, no! We are having a ball listening to you and I want your number!” She pointed at me. Apparently, she overheard me talking about photography and viola, I booked another shoot. It pays to be a loudmouth and eat two breakfasts a day. BTW, once again I was without business cards, and honest to goodness wrote my contact info with a crayon on an index card from the waiter. If I’m anything, I’m professional.
Our breakfast took the entire two hours and fifteen minutes of Meredith’s “short” day of preschool. She was happy to see me and full of news. I know how excited she is for her long day on Thursday because she has a new nap mat and loves to take a lunch. I’ll be at Weight Watchers after I drop her off.

She looks like such a big girl...Thanks for keeping up with my Blog Leslie...you keep me going girl!
What a cutie! :)
And two breakfasts sounds like fun! :) Enjoy it!
Merdi looks so adorable! Love those curls!
get out of town you know sally??? i met sally a couple of years ago at mops at my church, she is a riot and we got along great, we will have to get together - i've lost her info and i think we'd all have a hoot of a time. what a small world!!!!
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