Have I told you how much I LOVE fall?! I am so ready for sweaters and mulled cider. I am not ready to wear my unforgiving jeans.
It’s a gorgeous day and I think I’m going to pull out all my summer flowers and replace them with mums. The flowers would probably last a few more weeks, but I’m tired of looking at them. Honestly, my first thought his morning was whether or not it was too early to buy pumpkins. I’m shocked my brain has shriveled when I have to contemplate such serious issues each day.
My kids were full of it yesterday. At breakfast, Meredith once again reiterated her longing for a pet chicken. “Oh, I wish I had a chicken to wake me up in the morning.” I’ve never had to wake Merdi up in the morning. If we had a rooster, she would most likely wake it. Roosters sleep until sunrise.
Yesterday was picture day at school. I felt like a tightwad when I ordered the smallest package, but I knew we didn’t need an 8X10 of another picture of Alex looking like he sat on a tack. When Alex is asked to sit for a picture he has the most strained smile I’ve ever seen. I lectured him on trying to look a bit more relaxed and not like someone was branding him. I caught him practicing in the mirror, so maybe my coaching was over the top. When he came home, I asked him how the pictures went. He made this face, and said, “And by the way, I blinked. There are no retakes.”

Our weather couldn’t be better. I’ve thrown open all our windows, which is practically a guarantee someone will wind up at the doctor’s office with severe allergy issues. Our house needs to breath and I’m hopeful the dust will somehow be sucked out through the screens.
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