Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Does Jesus like Gymboree?

Is it strange to think God wanted me to shop today? Don’t e-mail me. I’m kidding. However, all the cards finally fell into place today and I found clothes for both kids. I’ve had a time of it lately. First, Alex’s pants were an issue and after I solved that, it seemed I couldn’t find anything cute for Meredith. Everything looked as though it had been a victim of a bedazzling.

I needed to exchange some leggings I bought for Meredith and when I walked into the store, they had started their promotion, for which I had a $25 credit, a day early. Not to mention the sales racks were heavy with Fall clothes. I wound up with five outfits for $90. And…I didn’t have to step foot inside the mall. And…Megan and Catey met me for coffee afterwards.

That was my second latte of the day because I also met my new friend Toni earlier to answer some photography questions for her. It was a pleasure to share what little I know. What do you know? There is still a little trainer left in me.

October crept up on me this year and I didn’t realize it was the 1st until I talked to Sara and she mentioned she and her husband Matt were going to spend their anniversary watching the Brewers game. I didn’t flip our calendar over and I totally forgot their anniversary! So, happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alexander...


Sara Alexander said...

Who's the genius photog who took that picture? Pure talent! Thanks for the props on your blog!
Love, Sara

Leslie said...

Hey, when your subjects are so good looking it's hard to screw up the shot!

Penny Pickles said...

i never have such luck at gymboree - way to go leslie!!!

Leslie said...

Annie! Try the one at Hamilton Town Centre!!! They are way overstocked. The sales lady gave me the 411 and said they have mulitple sizes in the back. Tons and tons and tons of boy clothes too. They had quite a few rocker/pirate shirts Jon would LOVE. $9.99!