Alex had a half day from school on Tuesday, so we went to see Madagascar 2. The first one is better, but I’ll sit through anything if you give me a bucket of popcorn. On the way to the theater, Alex said, “This is the best. We all have comfy clothes on, it’s raining, AND we have our popcorn bucket.” We’re definitely related.
Wednesday, Meredith and I stayed in all day. Seriously. I never once backed the car out of the garage. It might not sound like a big deal, but I get stir crazy pretty easily. I had several loads of laundry to do and no where pressing to be. I didn’t even shower until after lunch and Meredith elected to stay in her jammies all day. I let her. The only other time she asked to do that, she was really sick. I know I’m sick if I’m not hungry. I know Merdi’s sick if she doesn’t want to accessorize.
After I dropped off Meredith at school on Thursday, Annie and I went to Costco to scope out the Christmas present scene. Alex really wants a Nintendo DS, and I really don’t want him to have one. I’m sure I’ll cave, but the thought of his face glued to that screen drives me crazy.
Annie and I skipped the hotdog line at Costco and decided to go out for soup. We were too far from Panera and decided to go for Thai completely spur of the moment. It was a great change of pace. I really enjoyed talking with Annie without having to referee a fight between my kids. It’s very rare that both of us are completely kid-free!
The kids and I had my friend Megan and her daughter Catey over for dinner last night. Megan’s birthday is Monday, so we celebrated a little early. I ran out of time to make cupcakes, and decided to just stop at the grocery and pick up some. To make a long story short, they had a really cute cupcake cake that looked like flowers, with bees…wait, here’s a picture:

It was way more than we needed, but it was a “Manager’s Special,” i.e., it’s going to expire relatively soon and they needed to sell it. After the bakery lady assured me it was perfectly fresh, I bought it. Of course Meredith couldn’t keep it to herself that we had birthday cupcakes for Megan. Alex couldn’t help himself from yelling out, “Yeah, it was an AWESOME deal! Five bucks! Not bad, huh?!” Alex may very well be the male version of me. Except, with a much larger brain.
Wow those cupcakes are delicious looking. I was going to write more, but I am mesmorized by their yumminess.
I realized that we had two or three conversations halted on Thursday - the referendum and my wedding ring. Will I ever carry on complete conversations again?????
If you really are serious about the Nintendo DS, the best deals are the Friday after Thanksgiving. Keith went to Best Buy last year for several electronics gifts,(waited in line at 2am, but anyway)and picked up one for my niece at a much, much cheaper price. I imagine you wouldn't need to get there early this year, since everyone is broke. Also, you might want to check out Circuit City right now since they are all closing nationwide.
ok, I'm updated...where is yours?? Hee-hee, I love giving you a hard time. I just need to see Alex and Merdi, that's all. :)
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