Wow! I haven’t posted anything in a really long time. Normally, when this happens, people e-mail me and ask if I’m okay. No one did this time, so either no one is reading this anymore or everyone knew it was October. And if it’s October, the Webbers are in Disney.
We left on the 24th and just got home yesterday, the 1st of November. We had a good time and PERFECT weather. I mean
perfect. Blue skies, zero humidity, and even a chill in the air at times. I kept checking the local news to make sure we were in Florida. Some people head to Florida for the heat. Not me. I really don’t like to be hot…or hungry, but we’ve discussed this before.

The second day we were there, we met up with our friends, the Hindmans. Karen and Dave used to live here, but moved to Florida several years ago. We wind up seeing them at least once a year during our visit, and they come to Indiana in the summer if we’re lucky. We went to Epcot and for the first time in years, our families were able to ride most of the rides together. Everyone met the height requirement! It’s the little things.

Every other year we’ve made the trip, we’ve built in little excursions outside of the Disney parks here and there. It didn’t happen this year. I didn’t need my usual break from the heat and the kids are old enough to stay awake for evening excursions to the parks. We were finally able to “Eat to the Beat,” at
Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival. We’re always there for the festival and they advertise some faded band from the 70’s under the guise that you can “Eat to the Beat.” Brandon talks about this non-stop every time we go. We’ve done it, now hopefully he’ll stop speaking in rhyme. The kids were wound like eight-day clocks after a mid-day three hour nap, so this is them taking Brandon’s suggestion literally…
We had breakfast with Pooh (again…I’ve memorized the buffet), and lunch with the Princesses (again…I
still don’t like Norwegian food). Meredith did ask me if Tigger was just a man in a suit. I asked her where she got that idea and she explained that Tigger lives in The Hundred Acre Wood, not Florida. I tried to stop her from growing up and thinking on her own and said, “Well, maybe he vacations here, just like us.” “Oh,” Meredith said, “You think he hops a flight just like us? I think it would freak me out to fly next to Tigger.” Me too, Merdi. Me too.

We took the kids Trick or Treating at
Downtown Disney along with the rest of Central Florida’s residents and every vacationing European.
The Europeans. I forgot to mention the Europeans! I mean no offense, but I don’t think I have any European readers anyway. The parks are LOADED with Europeans. The weak dollar is great for their travels to America. I find it funny that America is supposedly struggling with Her image abroad, yet these folks don’t seem at all hesitant to hop the pond and visit a significant piece of Americana. The great thing about the Europeans…for the most part, no matter what I wore on any given day, I looked much more put together than half the people there. Our family looked like a toothpaste commercial comparatively.

Believe it or not, I think we may have finally gotten our fill of Walt Disney World, at least for the next few years. Maybe that’s part of the reason we did spend our entire vacation in the parks. Normally, we’ve pretty much known we’d be back the following year, but this year it felt like we’re due for a change of pace. Alex let us know by writing a note: “Next year, I wint two go two Maxico.”

1 comment:
Say it ain't so. No Disney next year! What has the world come too:) And just when the whole family can ride together:)
We have 28 days til we eat with the Princesses. Kenzie is so excited. I can't wait to see her face when she meets Aurora and Cinderella in person. You took some amazing pics of the happiest place on earth!
"Your Kid" Karyn
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