I’m one of those strange people who actually likes snow. If it’s cold, we should have snow…and a decent amount. It drives me nuts when we get just enough to turn into slush which seems to Velcro to our cars and the kids’ shoes.
I didn’t believe the weathermen at all when they said we might get 1-3 inches Tuesday night. I was right not to believe them. We got somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12”. The actual amount is a source of great debate in our house. It was enough to cancel school and enough to go sledding!
I was really thankful Brandon was home to shovel. Normally, when we get a measurable snowfall I do one of two things. 1.) I just bust through the snow when driving out of or pulling into our driveway. OR 2.) I flag down a guy with a plow and write a check. It’s not that I’m too lazy to shovel, it’s that we have a really, really long driveway. It doesn’t seem that long until I try scooping off a foot of snow.

We played outside in the morning for a bit while Brandon shoveled. Alex was eager to help and gave it his all. Meredith literally scooped one scoop, threw it on the pile, and said, “Whew! That’s enough of that!” That girl is a workhorse. Meredith made one march around the house and decided she needed hot chocolate. In her defense, she’s still nursing a cold and the cold air made her nose extra runny.

After lunch, I put Meredith down for a nap and Alex and I went to the sledding with several neighborhood kids. It just so happens the best sledding hill in our neighborhood is next to the house of some good friends of ours. (Hi Marla!) The kids had a great time sledding and while one mom surrendered her cell phone to the “mountain,” no one left with anything bandaged or in a sling.

I hoped a miracle would happen and we’d walk into dinner on the stove. It didn’t. I had all the ingredients for tacos, except meat and some kind of tomato. I decided I wanted to top the tacos with pico de gallo. Fast, easy, delicious, and widely available in the grocery two minutes from our house. Brandon volunteered to go. He came home with beef, (check), a gallon of milk (I was impressed with his foresight.), and… a can of spicy tomatoes. What on earth? Brandon said the fresh bar was closed and apparently it didn’t occur to him that refrigerated salsa (or even jarred for that matter) might be a good alternative. So he went with CANNED tomatoes. There is a reason I do the cooking.
I didn’t believe the weathermen at all when they said we might get 1-3 inches Tuesday night. I was right not to believe them. We got somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12”. The actual amount is a source of great debate in our house. It was enough to cancel school and enough to go sledding!
I was really thankful Brandon was home to shovel. Normally, when we get a measurable snowfall I do one of two things. 1.) I just bust through the snow when driving out of or pulling into our driveway. OR 2.) I flag down a guy with a plow and write a check. It’s not that I’m too lazy to shovel, it’s that we have a really, really long driveway. It doesn’t seem that long until I try scooping off a foot of snow.
We played outside in the morning for a bit while Brandon shoveled. Alex was eager to help and gave it his all. Meredith literally scooped one scoop, threw it on the pile, and said, “Whew! That’s enough of that!” That girl is a workhorse. Meredith made one march around the house and decided she needed hot chocolate. In her defense, she’s still nursing a cold and the cold air made her nose extra runny.

After lunch, I put Meredith down for a nap and Alex and I went to the sledding with several neighborhood kids. It just so happens the best sledding hill in our neighborhood is next to the house of some good friends of ours. (Hi Marla!) The kids had a great time sledding and while one mom surrendered her cell phone to the “mountain,” no one left with anything bandaged or in a sling.

I hoped a miracle would happen and we’d walk into dinner on the stove. It didn’t. I had all the ingredients for tacos, except meat and some kind of tomato. I decided I wanted to top the tacos with pico de gallo. Fast, easy, delicious, and widely available in the grocery two minutes from our house. Brandon volunteered to go. He came home with beef, (check), a gallon of milk (I was impressed with his foresight.), and… a can of spicy tomatoes. What on earth? Brandon said the fresh bar was closed and apparently it didn’t occur to him that refrigerated salsa (or even jarred for that matter) might be a good alternative. So he went with CANNED tomatoes. There is a reason I do the cooking.
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