Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

This isn’t the first time in 13 years Brandon and I have spent Valentine’s Day apart. It really isn’t a big deal since I’m not much of a romantic; which by the way is a good thing, when you aren’t married to a romantic. Not only is Brandon away this year, but he’s about to loose his mom, so a celebration doesn’t really seem in order.

Meredith on the other hand, can’t stop celebrating Valentine’s Day. Yesterday afternoon, our sweet neighbors took Meredith to a Valentine's party at Conner Prairie. They had so much fun and it allowed me to run the Valentine's party in Alex's classroom.

As we've discussed before, Alex's principal has a strict, "no fun allowed," policy when it comes to parties. I broke all the rules and 1.) Stuck candy to Alex's valentines, and 2.) Took cookies and juice into the classroom. My reputation proceeded me. The room moms all met in the cafeteria to pick up the supplies for the PTO mandated games. When I introduced myself someone said, "OH!! YOU'RE Leslie Webber!"

The PTO president, handed me the "snack" we were supposed to offer the kids and said, "Not like your class will be eating this anyway, but here you go." This is the same woman who asked me why I can't be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. If you know me, you know I'm a total conformist, unless I'm in a room of liberals. I like rules. For once in my life, I'm proud to rebel. I think I know what Norma Ray felt like.

My rebellion paid off. As soon as I walked in the door a little girl from Alex's class, who happens to be named Rowan btw, handed me a drawing with a note that said, "You are fum!" I think she means fun, but I'll also accept fum. The kids all squeal when I walk in with my contraband, and that's what it's all about. Put your right foot in...

Friday night, Meredith's dance studio had a Valentine’s Party/Parent’s Night Out. The teachers entertain the children for a couple of hours while parents go out to a dinner and only cut their own food. Meredith’s friend Annie went too. Annie has a new baby brother, Geoffrey and her parents are in the process of selling their old house. They are busy. I am not. So Annie’s brother Joe, and Alex and I went out on the town. By out on the town, I mean we went out for cheeseburgers and made a trip to Target.

When we picked up the girls I asked Meredith if she had a good time. “Yes! It was great! I’m going every Friday!” I asked if she knew anyone aside from Annie, “No, but I met a TON of people! They liked my pajamas and someone said they like my curls. I said, ‘thank you.’” Sorority rush will not be a problem for Meredith.

Our night out wore both kids to a frazzle and they slept until 8:00 a.m. I crawled out of bed around midnight because I forgot to set out their Valentines. I thought they’d be up early. I could have saved myself a trip in the dark. We had heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. At least they were supposed to be hearts. They were more like drunken circles, but they bought it.

A few weeks ago, Meredith went to a birthday party at her friend Ava’s house At the party, Meredith made a new friend, Luci. By the time the party was over, Meredith had snagged an invitation to Luci’s Valentine’s Day tea. So, we had that this afternoon. Alex was reluctant to stay at first, but wound up helping serve the girls and running the craft. God love him! The girls had so much fun!!! I don't have any pictures to show for it, yet...Luci's dad is a professional photographer, and I may have mentioned I'm easily intimidated. It was also fun to watch how he shot and what lighting he used on a dreary day. I'm hoping some pictures will hit my inbox soon.

After a trip to Costco, and a 2:00 p.m. hotdog, the executive decision has been made that we will have popcorn, cheese, and fruit for dinner and call it a night. This may be one of the best Valentine’s Days I’ve ever had.


Marianne said...

That's okay. Bart and the kids are out to pick up my Valentine's day dinner: Subway (eat fresh).

michelleb said...

Happy Valentine's Day Les! Jay absolutely loved the fact that you will not conform to liberals!! :)