Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If these wall could talk, they would say I'm boring.

Exciting things are happening at the Webbers. Distractions abound!

We’ve lived in this house for two years. In those two years, I’ve hung three pictures. I have no good reason.

When we bought our first house, we were young and I was filled with enthusiasm to decorate. I had no children, lots of energy, and a pea-sized budget. I decorated with whatever I had on hand, found at IKEA, and purchased at Tuesday Morning.

I’ve lost ambition to nest all together. I suppose that’s what happens when all the energy you once invested in making your house a home is expended on keeping your home from swallowing you. Either that or I’m just really lazy.

A few weeks ago, Annie was over and I showed her a picture from the latest Pottery Barn Catalog, which I used to read like the Bible. Now, I just recycle them, because I’m probably never going to spend $1,800 on a mirror. I found a wall that I really liked the layout of and thought of Annie. Her walls all look Pottery Barn Catalog walls; only better, with more history and interest.

Annie immediately went to work sketching out what my blank wall would look like and we even dug out prints from my dining room buffet that have been there for seven years. They’re from IKEA. Annie diagnosed me with a case of “lack of confidence in hanging pictures,” and arranged the pictures on my dining room table. Just. Like. That.

Back to my giant, boring, blank wall. Well, it isn’t always blank. Sometimes it has a disproportionately small sketch of the Eiffel Tower, which is funny considering what Brandon and I think about the French. ANYWAY…Annie helped me flip through my photography portfolio and size a few prints for display.

If you can believe this, only one of them is of my children. Only one print is of humans! “I’m not a scenery girl,” I always say, but in clicking through my files, I found I do have somewhat of an eye for fun elements. The great part is, they’re all from trips Brandon and I have taken and loved, so they’re even more special to our family.

I placed a big order with my printing lab last week and the prints came in Monday. I couldn’t be more pleased and I hate to admit how proud I am of my “work.” I’m in the process of framing everything and hope to hang them soon. If I don’t get scared and wind up hiding them in my buffet for seven years.

Once it’s all on the wall, I’ll post a picture. I need public accountability, which is why Weight Watchers works for me. When I go.

Another part of my print order was a 20X40 canvas for Dawn’s new baby boy Geoffrey. This was a fun project and a collaborative effort with Jenny at Shutterbug designs. I sent her a CD with Geoffrey’s pictures, gave her a few guidelines, and let her run with it.

The end result was stunning! These pictures don’t really do the canvas justice, but you get the idea.

A closer look at the actual design.

I cannot recommend Jenny’s work enough. Take a look at her site. The girl is very talented, and has a work ethic like you wouldn’t believe. She’s a peach and I bet she could do great things with all those pictures floating around your hard drive.

Dawn was thrilled with her canvas and I was so excited to deliver it to her this afternoon. Geoffrey was less impressed and just yawned when I showed him.

1 comment:

Penny Pickles said...

you have fantastic taste, i am so glad the wall is just about up and you are surrounded by your beautiful children and art! i am so happy!!!!