My trip to the ER on Monday was only the beginning…
Tuesday evening, as I was tucking Meredith into bed, she mentioned some things that lead me to believe she might have a urinary tract infection. The fourteen times she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom was the club over the head.
Alex’s allergies set in before I had the foresight to begin his annual two month round of Claritin. Constant coughing and a wheezy chest rattle was my hint that Alex would be coming with us to the doctor in the morning.
Wednesday morning, we headed to the pediatrician during “sick hours.” Blech! I try to avoid that at all costs, especially when we’re in for something that isn’t viral or bacterial. I was pleasantly surprised to find the waiting room wasn’t at all crowded when we got there, but slowly they trickled in:
“Hi, we’re here for a strep test.”
“Yeah, I’ve got Nick. I called earlier about pink eye.”
“Ma’am, could you please ask your son to wear this mask in case he tests positive?”
I used the time on the drive over to deliver the “don’t touch anything” lecture. A good mother would have brought along art supplies, their DS/Leapter, a book…something, but I had nothing. I raced out of the shower and into the car when they asked if we could come in in 30 minutes. I had my work cut out for me keeping Alex and Meredith on the chairs and away from the Bristle Blocks and fingerprinted splattered fish tank.
Of course, everyone was called in before us. When we finally got into the exam room we were in and out in 20 minutes. We even killed two birds with one stone and got Meredith vaccinated against the flu.
After a trip through the drive thru pharmacy and McDonald’s because Alex missed his lunch hour, we were in back in business and Alex was back at school.
Meredith and I met our friends Sally and Stella for lunch prior to preschool orientation. For those of you who do not know, this is THE YEAR, for which we’ve been waiting. This is the year of a classroom guinea pig, tiny leather couches, and Imagination Destinations! Meredith has Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta!!!! The patron saints of preschool! This is the class for which I waited in a cold, dark parking lot at 4:00 a.m. They are worth it!
Meredith was nearly beside herself with excitement. She has flipped through the scrapbook Mrs. J and Mrs. A. made for Alex 1,000 times. She cannot wait to spend her days in Antartica, on a dude ranch, and in an inflatable room. So, when they opened the door, Meredith was the first one in. She told me later that Mrs. J and Mrs. A. must have been
just as excited to see her because they gave her huge hugs. Ha!
Meredith also got to see, as reported by Meredith, her “BFF, Ava!” They squealed “hello” to each other from our cars and held hands all the way in.
I squealed when I realized I’ll have two full days to myself this year. I’m sure I’ll fill it with volunteering and photo shoots, but it’s fun to fantasize about going to the movies in the middle of the day.
Thursday, I had my follow up appointment with my OBGYN. The whole cyst situation checked out fine. While I was there, I asked her to recheck a lump she found in May. I had a diagnostic mammogram, but wasn’t 100% with their assessment.
My doctor checked it out and decided to send me to a breast surgeon for a biopsy. While it isn’t any fun to hear you need to have something further explored, I was eager to know one way or another. The surgeon scared me a little when her office called and asked if they could see me the following day at 9:30 a.m.
Brandon’s flight came in around the time of my appointment, so he went with me. However he had a conference call just as they took me back. Brandon took the call in the hospital lounge and I met with the surgeon. After discussing my case and doing another ultrasound and mammogram, Dr. Kennedy decided the lump should probably come out and be sent to the lab. She is
not at all concerned; it’s just for peace of mind. I’ll just be glad to have it out as every time my fingers slide across the almond shaped lump in the shower, my stomach drops.
For all the medical mishaps we’ve had this week, we’re all still healthy and well for the most part. Whew! Now if I could only say the same for my house…