Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta are ageless, but if I had to guess, I’d say they’re in the early 60’s. The amount of energy these two have should be bottled and sold. I’ve literally prayed for three years they would delay their retirement until after Meredith “graduated.” I couldn’t bare the thought of Meredith not getting to experience their magical classroom after Alex did.
I don’t devote as much thought to fairness as Alex and Meredith do, but I want to give them equal experiences as often as possible.
Our preschool is play-based, meaning they teach through imaginative play, crafts, sensory experience, and song. While not academically rigorous, the children absorb so much without even realizing they are learning. Most importantly to me, they learn about a God who loves them no matter what and how to live their lives according to His principles.
Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta give so much of themselves in helping prepare these little people for life that it just amazes me. They teach them attention to detail and the value of hard work when they transform the classroom into a post office or a farm. They ignite a passion for science by taking the kids on a trip to the moon…the kids even eat pudding out of Ziploc bags. They encourage the kids to go barefoot and experience the beach in the middle of January when they haul in a ton of sand and scatter it on the tile floor. No detail is overlooked and it’s done strictly out of love for these children and wanting to see them grow into well rounded, wonderful Kindergarteners.
After orientation, Meredith happily told me there are no rules in their classroom, only responsibilities. The teachers told a room full of four year olds…with straight faces, that the children didn’t have any rules to follow; they just had a duty to be responsible. They are responsible for treating each other with kindness. They are responsible for treating the classroom and its supplies with respect. They are responsible for listening to their teachers. They are responsible for obeying The Word of God.
Guess what?! It works. Rarely do you hear of a discipline issue in Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta’s room. Not only that, but the children gain so much confidence in learning self reliance that they become more sure of themselves. Which I firmly believe leads to treating others with kindness. It’s such a neat thing to watch!
So my excitement for Meredith isn’t just about Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta creating a fantasy learning environment, it’s about what she’s learning and from whom she is learning. These women ooze warmth and honestly love each and every child. Alex still talks about them and they treat him like a celebrity every time he visits. The heartfelt letter they wrote him upon his “graduation” brought me to my knees. I cannot imagine knowing each child completely and fully giving of myself the way they do. There is no doubt God has given Mrs. Judith and Mrs. Arleta special gifts in working with children and I cannot believe we’re so blessed to have them as teachers.
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