If my children knew the adrenaline rush that comes with toilet papering a house, I would be out of Charmin.
Every October the kids get really excited about “Booing” the neighbors. More so, they look forward to being “Booed.” Every time our doorbell rings after dark, they both race to the door, hopeful that no one will be there.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you probably don’t have little kids or live in an area without neighbors. This website provides a full explanation, but in short you leave treats on a neighbor’s doorstep along with a cute little ghost who tells you to hang him in your window and carry the fun to another neighbor.
The fun part is you do it anonymously. You ring the doorbell and run like the wind. There was a time in my life I did the exact same thing without leaving treats. I also toilet papered my grandparents because I enjoyed the suspense with no chance of arrest. I was a weirdo. (Was?!)
The kids were really excited to Boo our neighbors. After much discussion, it was decided that Meredith would hold the treats in the car, Alex would do the actually ringing of the doorbell, and I would drive the getaway car. Alex was hilarious! “Leave it runnin’, in Drive, and my door open.” He rang the bells, dropped the treats, and booked it back to the car, all the while loud-whispering, “Go! Go! Go!”
We didn’t get caught and they had a ball! They also had a hard time settling down. Not the most ideal thing to do with a four and seven year old minutes before they climb into bed.
Today, Alex was out of school for parent-teacher conferences. Meredith had school, which meant Alex and I were on our own…together. We met Annie and Jon for breakfast at Bub’s. Alex was enthusiastic about our breakfast out and the possibility of one of his buddy’s joining us. Jon is a great kid. He’s smart, outgoing, and just a doll. Alex acted like he’s never eaten in the presence of others. His table manners weren’t the issue, but he sat three inches from me and spoke three words to Jon. I hate when my kids are socially inept. On the way out, I noticed Bub’s Breakfast CafĂ© now serves beer. Had I known...
When Meredith was finished with school, we met Dawn and her kids at the movies. I really wanted to see “Where the Wild Things Are.” Alex and Meredith had better judgment and picked “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” We’re the last family we know to see it, so I would tell you to go see it, but you probably already have. Annie declared it ‘hilarious,’ to which Joe said, “Do you even KNOW what ‘hilarious’ means?!” “Yes, I do! It means, ‘extra funny!’ I agree with Annie. It’s extra funny.
Every October the kids get really excited about “Booing” the neighbors. More so, they look forward to being “Booed.” Every time our doorbell rings after dark, they both race to the door, hopeful that no one will be there.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you probably don’t have little kids or live in an area without neighbors. This website provides a full explanation, but in short you leave treats on a neighbor’s doorstep along with a cute little ghost who tells you to hang him in your window and carry the fun to another neighbor.
The fun part is you do it anonymously. You ring the doorbell and run like the wind. There was a time in my life I did the exact same thing without leaving treats. I also toilet papered my grandparents because I enjoyed the suspense with no chance of arrest. I was a weirdo. (Was?!)
The kids were really excited to Boo our neighbors. After much discussion, it was decided that Meredith would hold the treats in the car, Alex would do the actually ringing of the doorbell, and I would drive the getaway car. Alex was hilarious! “Leave it runnin’, in Drive, and my door open.” He rang the bells, dropped the treats, and booked it back to the car, all the while loud-whispering, “Go! Go! Go!”
We didn’t get caught and they had a ball! They also had a hard time settling down. Not the most ideal thing to do with a four and seven year old minutes before they climb into bed.
Today, Alex was out of school for parent-teacher conferences. Meredith had school, which meant Alex and I were on our own…together. We met Annie and Jon for breakfast at Bub’s. Alex was enthusiastic about our breakfast out and the possibility of one of his buddy’s joining us. Jon is a great kid. He’s smart, outgoing, and just a doll. Alex acted like he’s never eaten in the presence of others. His table manners weren’t the issue, but he sat three inches from me and spoke three words to Jon. I hate when my kids are socially inept. On the way out, I noticed Bub’s Breakfast CafĂ© now serves beer. Had I known...
When Meredith was finished with school, we met Dawn and her kids at the movies. I really wanted to see “Where the Wild Things Are.” Alex and Meredith had better judgment and picked “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” We’re the last family we know to see it, so I would tell you to go see it, but you probably already have. Annie declared it ‘hilarious,’ to which Joe said, “Do you even KNOW what ‘hilarious’ means?!” “Yes, I do! It means, ‘extra funny!’ I agree with Annie. It’s extra funny.
1 comment:
You have to come to my house for a weekend and we have to take your kids Toilet Papering here!!
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