We had a busy weekend!

Friday night was our usual movie and pizza night. I picked a lame movie and Meredith and I fell asleep in the middle. Eddie Murphy stopped being funny when he stopped doing Gumby as far as I’m concerned.
Saturday Alex had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon, so the rest of us went to Costco and Lowe’s while he was gone. I only tell you that because it was exciting to go somewhere with only one child. They can’t fight with someone who isn’t there!
We picked up Alex from the party and went to afore mentioned Haunted House party at the Museum. Sunday morning was a little slow moving. I left around noon to photograph my friend Stacey’s extended family and to have brunch to celebrate the christening of these two sweet people.

I came home and we left for the Pumpkin Festival at our favorite pumpkin patch. They had new activities this year and the kids were beside themselves with excitement. All Brandon wanted was a few apple cider doughnuts.

We did finally have apple cider doughnuts and kettle corn. We were there for two and a half hours. It was really fun and we had great weather, but it was a little on the chilly side. You know how fresh air makes little ones tired? It also makes 33 year old ladies tired. The thought of making white chili when we got home was too much. I suggested we just go out for Mexican. So we did.
I tried in earnest to stay up for the entirety of the Colts game. I was pretty sure we had it locked in the third quarter, but you never know. I felt an obligation to be supportive of the team, so I changed into my Colts t-shirt. That way I could show my allegiance while sleeping. If my mom still read this, I could really give her a hard time about the Titans. I don’t know what the deal is with that team. They have a great coach, but they have a team full of jackasses. I don’t just mean on the field either. Tony Dungy really built a team this city can be proud of, and when I see guys taking cheap shots like the Titans did last night, it makes me all the more appreciative. However, desperate people do desperate things, right?
Half of you reading this are completely stunned aren’t you? That’s right, I’m discussing sports. I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I have a lot of enthusiasm. That’s really what my entire collegiate experience amounted to.
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