After a very Meredithcentric post yesterday, I started to have some mommy guilt over gushing over a girly day, which by it's very nature, excludes my other chick. Chick like a bird, not another daughter.
After school today we made a jaunt to the Children's' Museum
http://www.childrensmuseum.org/ It's taken me five years of visits, but we finally figured out if we go around 2:00 pm, you can hear crickets chirp. For those of you who have listened to me gripe, complain, and guffaw at Indiana and it's "ridiculous half-day kindergarten program,"
please forgive me. After having a child in half day k, I've discovered it's
precisely the right amount of time for Alex to be in school and away from home. I love the freedom the schedule affords our afternoon adventures. So, pass the salt and I'll now eat my words.
As soon as we got to the CM, we made one of our better discoveries. The large Chihuly
http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/chihuly/ sculpture was being cleaned! That may not sound exciting, but for those of you whom have seen it, I bet you secretly wondered how it was cleaned too. (Or maybe that's just a crazy obsession of mine...Sara, don't tell me you wouldn't have the same thought!) The sculpture is made of loads of individual pieces of glass and is two, if not three stories tall. I can barely dust our end tables without breaking something, so I can only imagine. Well, in case you're curious, here's how it's done.............

After that, the afore mentioned guilt led us to Alex choosing where to go first. We headed for the Science area and there we remained for most of the time. Alex concentrates on the details and loves to figure out
exactly how everything works. Clearly, he gets this from his father. I just love the look of wonder and concentration he gets when we visit places like the museum. He is a curator's dream. He truly explores each and every element, sometimes painstaking s-l-o-w. Meredith and I could do three floors in the amount of time Alex's brain can spend studying one display.
We also rode the carousel three times, and I was able to get some fun shots of Alex being a little boy, free from the stress of figuring out the world. He and Meredith also had a ball in the mirror area. 

The next shot is my favorite of the day, in fact it makes me so proud my chest could burst. (It has
nothing to do with the fact that I'm in it.) Alex is fascinated with my camera and really seems to have a love for photography. I was exactly his age when I got my first camera. A 110 at my birthday party at McDonald's. My first ever portrait...Jennifer Cardinal Glover holding a balloon. I kid you not! Now, with my first "big girl" camera, I'm excited to take pictures of her new arrival in May. Anyway, It's just that I see that same spark in Alex, and it's so wonderful when your kids wind up sharing your interest with no arm twisting. So, if you look closely, you can see Alex with my camera in the background. It's wee bit on the dark side, because we don't quite understand the concept of a warming flash, but it's still pretty impressive for five and a half. Watch out Herb Ritz!

If there was any thought that I had a favorite, rest easy. I could never pick my favorite chick!
This is why I normally don't ask them to pose!
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