Today was eerily slow-paced. Meredith went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to spend some one on one time with them. I can't imagine why they don't want them at the same time. If you simply learn to talk above the screams it really isn't that bad. I dropped off Meredith around 10:00 am and had an entire hour to kill before picking up Alex.
I went to the library ...ALONE...I'm not sure I've done this since 2001. I'm not kidding. It's always scary taking the kids upstairs at the library. That's where the books without pictures are housed, and it's very, very quiet. I can usually hear myself breathing after I've climbed the staircase. Last time I attempted to go up and choose a book for myself, Meredith fell off a step stool, or was pushed, the specifics are still being argued. Blood was spurting from her lip and the librarian looked like she had an instant face lift her muscles became so tense.
We go to the library quite often, and we're never out of there in under an hour. Even if we don't go to Toddler Tales, or Preschool Pages, or whatever age-appropriate story hour they might be offering. We spend loads of time selecting books and playing with virtually the same toys that lie neglected at our house.
The check out line is harrowing. They've sectioned it off with those divider things they use to keep people in a straight line, like at the movies. Anyway, they're heavy, shiny, and apparently magnetic, because my children cannot stay away from them. While we wait in line, a librarian will peek over the check out desk and say, "Oh dear, those are heavy and I would hate for one to fall over onto you." Translation, "Get the hell away from the dividers!"
Alex and Meredith are generally very well behaved at the library, but by check-out time, they're shot. They normally wait until then to pick a fight with each other. It's not unusual for me to be sweating by the time we check out our enormous stack of books. I let them check out as many as they want. Maybe because when I was a kid, I could only check out as many as I could peddle home with.
So, imagine my confusion when I walked into the library alone, walked up to the second floor, found a book, checked it out on the self scanner, and even had time to go to the bathroom AND look at the photography exhibit they're currently hosting. ALL in under 15 minutes! All the convenience didn't mean a thing when I saw other kids storm into the library and head straight for the children's section. I missed my yahoos!
I wasn't about to drive home before getting in the carpool lane, and I didn't have enough time to grocery shop. So, what to do, what to do???? I stopped at Starbucks, got a latte and read. AND the woman brought me a sample of some sort of chocolate chunk brownie. It was 15 minutes of bliss.
After I picked up Alex we went to lunch. We sometimes do this when Meredith is occupied, so we can catch up. Mostly, he asks me questions like, "What's your favorite fruit?" I answer, "Watermelon." He says, "Me too!" It goes on like this the entire time. It's sort of like going on a first date, except I have to pay the bill and Brandon talked less.
After I dropped Alex at his enrichment program, I went grocery shopping. I absolutely hate to grocery shop, but until Alex can drive and understands a budget, I'm stuck. I had a limited amount of time, so I hurried through my list. I did it in under 30 minutes, which for me is a record. I have no idea why it takes me so long to shop, but it does.
I was in the check out line, and they check out lady said, "You know those Diet Cokes are 3 for $11." Right, that's why I bought three. "Well, honey they're also part of the buy 3 items get the 4th free promotion. Do you want to run back and get another?" I looked at the people behind me to gauge their hostility and bolted back to the display. I ran, with my 12 pack of Coke Zero Vanilla, like I was in the 440 relay. I made it back before she was even done scanning my frozen peas. My chest was pounding and I was sweaty. All of the sudden I heard a familiar voice say, "Hey lady, quit holding up the line!" It was a mom I know from pre-school. Luckily she's one of the normal, funny, down-to-earth moms and we laughed about my spastic nature.
I walked out of the store laughing and in disbelief I sprinted through the store over a free 12 pack of Diet Coke. All of the sudden I heard this, "HEY MA'AM, HEY MA'AM!" I turned around, and what had I left at the counter but my stupid free 12 pack!
I'm throwing in some cute pictures I took of Alex this morning. He was taking pictures of Meredith eating Rice Krispies and was so frustrated with his little rubberized camera. He's been hinting for a "real" camera for his birthday, so he took the opportunity to explain to me how "incredibly slow," his camera is.

This is my favorite shot of the last few days, and this is generally what Alex looks like when he's taking pictures. It makes him as happy as it does me!

This picture I snapped before he got on the bus this morning. Do you think I have trouble spotting him in the carpool lane??? I plan to dress him as long as possible.

I just had to leave in the middle of posting to grab the kids and head for the basement. Hail hitting the office windows was my first indication something was weird with the weather. Sure enough, we were under a tornado warning. In January. I'm not in any way saying I believe Al Gore, but this weather is strange.
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