My feet feel like I imagine they would feel if I ever ran the Mini-Marathon.
I was up bright and early this morning caught up in the mad rush that comes with me hosting any sort of party. I absolutely love to do it, but somehow forget how much work it takes to get our house to the point that I'm not horrified to have people visit.
Meredith came into our room at 6:30 am, to ask when her friends would arrive for her tea party birthday party. "Excited" isn't really a befitting description. Around noon she started pumping her fist into the air and yelling, "Woo Hoo! It's party time!" If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County, (you can admit it, we're among friends) think Vicki and you'll have a pretty close perception. We ate lunch out; Lord forbid we mess up the kitchen. Meredith told 90% of Chick-Fil-A about her party.
We invited six of Meredith's little girl friends, plus one brother she adores to have tea and do frilly things. They were all decked out in sparkles, feathers, tutus, crowns, etc. Precious! We made princess wands, had "tea" at three, and then did the whole presents and cake routine.
I was up bright and early this morning caught up in the mad rush that comes with me hosting any sort of party. I absolutely love to do it, but somehow forget how much work it takes to get our house to the point that I'm not horrified to have people visit.
Meredith came into our room at 6:30 am, to ask when her friends would arrive for her tea party birthday party. "Excited" isn't really a befitting description. Around noon she started pumping her fist into the air and yelling, "Woo Hoo! It's party time!" If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County, (you can admit it, we're among friends) think Vicki and you'll have a pretty close perception. We ate lunch out; Lord forbid we mess up the kitchen. Meredith told 90% of Chick-Fil-A about her party.
We invited six of Meredith's little girl friends, plus one brother she adores to have tea and do frilly things. They were all decked out in sparkles, feathers, tutus, crowns, etc. Precious! We made princess wands, had "tea" at three, and then did the whole presents and cake routine.
She's a lady!
The girls were all so well behaved! After one of our more boy-oriented parties, you can hardly see the floor, but there was barely a mess to clean after our little ladies left. I sent them home sugary right before dinner.
Alex made a late arrival to the party because he was at a friend's party, and Meredith was beside herself worrying about the whereabouts of "my brudder." He was 15 minutes late, and you would have thought he'd abandoned her for good. It makes it all worth it, when I realize how close those two really are; even if they do attempt to wreck each other physically and emotionally nine times daily.
We put the kids to bed extra early this evening. Alex stayed up late last night watching a Disney movie he was dying to see. He talked about the movie all week, and I told him we'd DVR it. After school on Friday, he sweetly asked, "Mom, can I please stay up until 8:00 pm, 7 central?" Clearly, advertising works. It was so funny, I agreed in a moment of weakness, thinking it would be over by 9:00 pm. Well, the darn thing didn't get over until 9:45 pm, which to Alex is like
2:00 am. Did he sleep a minute later? I'll let you guess.
Meredith was shot for obvious reasons, and was wound so tightly, she insisted on wearing her crown in the bathtub, and put on a wild dance show for us once she was in her jammies. Seriously, we could have sold tickets. Dollars to donuts, she's up at her usual bird-chirping, pre-dawn hour.
Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Our Princess in the Tub
I realized yesterday, I've been referring to Meredith as "our three year old," for weeks. Now that her last day to be two has come and gone, I long for her to be "our two year old." I guess the old adage, "the days are sometimes long, but the years are so very short," has never rung more true. 

Special thanks to my friend Sally for taking a picture of Meredith and me. Our only one of the day!
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