We are a family of fliers. The kids started flying when they were infants. Brandon spends a quarter of his week on a plane. My absolute dream job would have been a flight attendant. I wouldn’t have been any good at the service part of the job, but the idea of flying around all day-every day thrilled me to no end. Seriously.
We love to travel, but are not great in the car. Brandon instituted a rule that if our destination is over two hours and there is an airport, we fly. If it’s over two hours and there is no airport, we don’t go. It took us five years before we finally visited my parents in Nashville. Brandon will make occasional trips to Olney/Newton. There may not be a major airport, but there is a Joe’s Pizza, and for sauce he is willing to sacrifice.
We are going to Gulf Shores (Orange Beach, I’m told), Alabama. For years I’ve heard friends and neighbors talk about how great the area is. I assumed the Webbers would never see it, because there is no convenient way to fly there. It far exceeds Brandon’s two hour limit. This all changed last Fall, when GramPam suggested we all go to the beach. We planned our trip on-line if fifteen minutes and decided we’d share it with Brandon later. How did we win approval??? The kids are riding with GramPam and Trophy from Nashville on. At least until they can no longer stand the dull roar coming from their backseat.
The weekend was spent in preparation for the trip. Of course we went to Costco on Saturday. We picked up our usual staples, and bought a 125+SPF beach umbrella. Remember? The kiddos and I don’t like sand or heat. This is going to be a blast!
My in-laws gave me a Costco gift card for my birthday. (I was thrilled! What does that say about me?) I bought some wood hangers and then told Brandon to use the rest for whatever we needed for the trip. Apparently, we needed a navigation system. It is after all, more than a two hour drive.
Meredith is so excited she has worn a swimming suit and jelly shoes (the heart break shoes, if you’ll recall) for days. She sat in a suitcase with Angelina (“Ballerina,” not “Jolie”) for an hour. Every morning, she wakes up thinking today is the day. The concept of a calendar is completely lost on her. I tried.
Alex is mildly excited in his own little reserved way. He tries extra hard not to smile when he talks about the trip. Although, he did pack a bag over the weekend. It is brimming with essentials like his blankets and a battery operated fish.
My week will be spent packing and making sure the van is stocked with food, drinks, and entertainment….and a case of wipes. I don’t go anywhere without wipes.