I’m not a person who gets all that excited about my birthday, but as my mother-in-law continues the fight of her life against cancer, I’ve learned to appreciate having another birthday.
I decided I would take the kids to breakfast at my favorite cafe'. Getting us out of the house, dressed and ready by 7:30 a.m. was a challenge. Meredith does not like to be rushed out of her pj’s in the morning. I will do almost anything for an omelet, so I was willing to face the battle. We had a scrumptious breakfast. Alex suggested we start eating there every morning. When he gets a job, we’ll do just that.
When I dropped off Meredith at school, I realized I completely forgot they were having Breakfast with Jesus and we were in charge of bringing the bananas. I forgot the bananas. That wasn’t our only problem. Meredith thought Jesus himself was actually coming to breakfast, i.e. Breakfast with Mickey.
I was in Alex’s classroom the rest of the morning. He was a bit of a pill today at school, and that isn’t the norm. I’ll be agonizing over what I’ve done to make him punch his buddy in the back, for the rest of the night.
I met Jill E. and Marianne for lunch. They are both so much fun and just interesting to talk to. Then again, my bar isn’t set too high as I’m used to discussing Meredith’s future wedding and sounding out words phonetically all day. Girls, I’m kidding. There’s no one else I’d rather lunch with!
The other reason this was a red letter day, was my driver’s license expired. I couldn’t be bothered to get a new license after we moved. The expiration date forced me to make the change. I was dreading the renewal because, believe it or not, I liked my picture! I’m also not a good liar, and I’m not about to reveal my true weight. I was dreading the whole process.
What used to be a three hour process, took only 15 minutes. God Bless, Governor Daniels and his efficient administration. They must have thought I was the vainest person to ever walk through their doors. 1.) I asked if I could have my old picture. 2.) Before they took my new picture, I borrowed their hand mirror. If I’m going to cart this thing around for four years, I don’t want to look scarier than normal. As the lady took my picture, another lady asked a question. I answered just as the flash went off. The result had everyone in stitches. My lips formed a perfect “O,” and my eyes were both glancing to the left. I asked if that could serve as my license picture, and was shot down. I have a feeling it will show up on some website of bad license photos eventually.
When I dropped off Meredith at school, I realized I completely forgot they were having Breakfast with Jesus and we were in charge of bringing the bananas. I forgot the bananas. That wasn’t our only problem. Meredith thought Jesus himself was actually coming to breakfast, i.e. Breakfast with Mickey.
I was in Alex’s classroom the rest of the morning. He was a bit of a pill today at school, and that isn’t the norm. I’ll be agonizing over what I’ve done to make him punch his buddy in the back, for the rest of the night.
I met Jill E. and Marianne for lunch. They are both so much fun and just interesting to talk to. Then again, my bar isn’t set too high as I’m used to discussing Meredith’s future wedding and sounding out words phonetically all day. Girls, I’m kidding. There’s no one else I’d rather lunch with!
The other reason this was a red letter day, was my driver’s license expired. I couldn’t be bothered to get a new license after we moved. The expiration date forced me to make the change. I was dreading the renewal because, believe it or not, I liked my picture! I’m also not a good liar, and I’m not about to reveal my true weight. I was dreading the whole process.
What used to be a three hour process, took only 15 minutes. God Bless, Governor Daniels and his efficient administration. They must have thought I was the vainest person to ever walk through their doors. 1.) I asked if I could have my old picture. 2.) Before they took my new picture, I borrowed their hand mirror. If I’m going to cart this thing around for four years, I don’t want to look scarier than normal. As the lady took my picture, another lady asked a question. I answered just as the flash went off. The result had everyone in stitches. My lips formed a perfect “O,” and my eyes were both glancing to the left. I asked if that could serve as my license picture, and was shot down. I have a feeling it will show up on some website of bad license photos eventually.

After we all got home, the kids decided to finger paint pictures for me. I decided this would buy me some time to read the paper. I was more than happy to oblige. While I’m heralding government agencies for making my life easier, I’ll also applaud washable finger paints! What more could a woman of middle age want?!

1 comment:
Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)
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