Saturday was full of busyness. Our friends Joe and Annie came over to play while their parents were at their new house for an inspection. It was a fun morning and the kids were very excited to have people their own age to pal around with. The girls played dress up and the boys played Wii, most of the time, but I did manage to get them all wrangled into the kitchen to make some Easter cookies. Maybe I shouldn't say “make,” more like decorate the frozen, pre-cut Easter shaped cookies I ordered from Market Day.

After Joe and Annie left, we picked up our van from getting some new parts that cost hundreds of dollars and are absolutely no fun to write about. The steering wheel no longer sticks in weird positions as I go through round-a-bouts, so that’s good news, but the van now has that weird service department smell…sort of like old oil. It smelled like old juice before, so I guess that’s a trade off.
From there, Alex and Brandon headed to off to run errands and Meredith and I went to a birthday party for her friend Kate. It was a ballet party, so she was very excited to go and it was about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I didn’t take any pictures, but hopefully the birthday girl’s mom will send me a few to share. (Angie, are you reading this?!)
After the party I flew home to start a labor-intensive lasagna. I have a tried and true recipe that’s ridiculously simple, but I like to torture myself and try new recipes when I’m already pressed for time. By the time my in-laws arrived for dinner, everyone in my family was avoiding eye contact with me. At one point, Alex said, “Mom, is it okay if I’m in here while you cook?” Ouch. Thankfully, Brandon and Alex picked up a cake at Costco. It had orange and yellow flowers resembling a 70’s wedding bouquet, but I didn’t have to make it so it was beautiful.
Sunday, was busy too, but much less stressful. I finally cleaned out my closet. When we moved in a year ago, I didn’t do the best job of organizing. I think I have some sort of spatial disorder, which probably isn’t good for a photographer. I’m completely unable to organize spaces correctly. I want a closet that looks like The Gap, but sadly it winds up looking like a space only Oscar could love. Brandon’s closet looks like what you would expect it to, and my closet has been driving him bananas. So, today was the day.
I spent the better part of the morning discarding, sorting, and organizing…to the best of my ability. I now know where all my laundry baskets had gone. I also realized I have a carpeted closet. I’m preparing for a massive garage sale in the spring. If I sell everything for a dollar, I should make somewhere in the neighborhood of $47,000.
This afternoon we went to see Horton Hears a Who. I’m a big fan of Dr. Suess, and most of the people voicing the characters, so I was more excited than the kids. Meredith was most excited about the popcorn. It was a cute movie. Meredith wasn’t thrilled about sharing popcorn. If we asked, we were given one kernel at a time.
After the movie, we went to Best Buy, for no apparent reason. I was feeling a little wonky after eating only seven kernels of popcorn for lunch. Brandon knows better than to hang around me if my blood sugar is low, so we decided to grab something to eat. We wound up at Claddagh Irish Pub in honor of St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. Either Meredith is going through a growth spurt or she has a hallow leg. After all that popcorn, she ate an entire hamburger, applesauce, and a piece of Alex’s fish. Then, she lobbied to stop for ice cream on the way home. We didn’t.
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