While I was boiling the eggs and setting up the dye, the kids found ways to entertain themselves.
I thought they would be way more excited about the egg project than they were. I was worried I didn’t have enough eggs for them to dye, but after two rounds, they were finished. Now, we have a fridge full of eggs, so we’ll have no choice but to eat tuna salad for lunch all week. We’ll probably be able to register people’s temperatures by week’s end.
We had a fun and relaxing Easter, which is how I wish all holidays were. We don’t normally go to church on Easter Sunday because as you may know, I don’t like crowds. Of all days to go, we probably should, but I don’t have the will to elbow my way into a pew.
The kids got up about 6:45 a.m. I heard Meredith puttering around downstairs and after realizing she was “caught,” she offered several excuses before coming clean that she was “just wooking for da Easter Bunny.” Alex was right behind her. We had the one minute egg hunt that I spent an hour preparing for. Then, they dived right into the candy. I let them. Didn’t even bat an eye that my youngest had chocolate dripping from her chin at 7:00 a.m.
After the kids nearly o.d.’d on candy, we went to brunch with the Ehnes family. The girls had fun twirling around in their dresses and eating from the chocolate fountain. It was enough to give Jill and I hives, but they did really well. Alex managed to get chocolate on everything he was wearing, with the exception of his shoes, which he was quick to point out. He was extremely well behaved, so he gets a pass for the spills.

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