Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I don’t know how I get so lucky, but every kid I shoot is ridiculously cute. I’m serious. Somehow my friends and clients have disproportionally beautiful children. Evidently, we have good water.

Last night I shot one of the cutest of the cute. I met Lauren’s mom, Toni through Alex’s soccer team. Since I’m not exactly watching Alex hammer one goal after another, I have plenty of time to talk with the other moms. I liked Toni right away, and got really excited when I noticed she had a camera nearly identical to mine.

I’m easily intimidated, so I don’t often come right out with the fact that I sort of know my way around a camera. For whatever reason, I took a chance and told Toni that I do children’s portraiture. It was largely for selfish reasons. I wanted to shoot her family. Believe me when I say this family looks like someone peeled them off the page of a Ralph Lauren ad. To top it off, they are incredibly nice.

Toni and I had plenty to talk about. We met for coffee to talk photography and decided we needed to take her oldest daughter Lauren and Meredith out for a tea party lunch. The girls had tons of fun pouring pink lemonade out of tiny teapots and even managed to eat their lunches. Toni mentioned needing some pictures for a project she’s working on with Lauren and I practically begged her to let me shoot some for her.

As luck would have it, this family lives in the same neighborhood as my in-laws. Alex and Grandma have tutoring sessions together once a week, and our timing was perfect. Meredith came with me so she could play with Lauren’s brothers. Our session literally lasted about ten minutes. Lauren is sooooo easy to shoot. I can’t wait to do a full length session with this family!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

So, I'm wondering how far you travel to take pictures of cute kids. I have two beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed girls who love to smile:) Is Kewanee too far? And are there any discounts for "family"?

You are so talented! I'm proud to call you mom.

On a side note, we are headed to see Mickey in a month! YEAH!
