Monday, we made the trip to Olney/Newton/Effingham to celebrate the baptism of my good friend Jill C.’s sweet little girl, Maria. We were excited to be there for Maria’s day, especially since we missed both of Jill’s boys’ baptisms.
Baptisms are bigger affairs in Jill’s family than in ours. At our house when someone is baptized, you come over after church for breakfast casserole that I’ve most likely overcooked. (I don’t want to give anyone salmonella.) In Jill’s family, a baptism calls for a much more organized and beautiful celebration. It was so wonderful to be a part of Maria’s dedication to her faith! Jill and Gaspare’s family is full of warm, loving people, who truly value family and it’s always a treat to be with them.
I don’t have any pictures that do Maria and her gorgeous baby blue eyes any justice whatsoever. There was a real photographer there and I didn’t want to be the annoying guest who stepped all over her shots. So, I relegated myself to shots of Maria in a poorly-lit corner while she was in a swing. Even with terrible lighting and the back and forth of a swing, there’s no denying this little one is complete perfection.

Today I plan to stay put and purge our home of broken toys and scotch tape sculptures. There are some things I can do while the kids are here, but it’s much easier to toss all this stuff without Alex taking an inventory of grievances. I would also like to get three of the trees down today, but if I say it out loud it would just be setting me up for failure.
I’ve talked with my mom several times a day since the kids left. Thankfully all the calls have been to tell me how much fun their having or something funny they’ve done or said. No one seemed all that anxious to speak with me until last night.
Alex and my mom went to Staples; which is Alex’s idea of a fun shopping trip. They bought a bank that counts change.

It snuck up on me, but tonight is New Year’s Eve. Because we are w-i-l-d we are going over to Jill and Scott’s house. Our friends Angie and Jeremy will be there too. Frankly, there’s nothing I’d rather do! The boys are at Costco shopping for food right now. The always funny Sara asked me if they were wearing matching shirts and stopping for lunch on the way home. I asked Brandon and he gave me the pursed- lip expression that means he’s annoyed and Sara and I aren’t half as funny as we think we are.
Happy New Year everyone, and may 2009 be a lot less bumpy! I have the same prayer for my thighs.
I Love the picture Leslie- I wish you would have taken more! We were so glad you both were able to come Maria's big day! Love you!
I *heart* sour powers and I truly miss the days of riding my bike to the trading post. In case you were wondering, those same sour powers are sold on Ebay! I bought a big tub of them last year. :)
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