Today was one of those days I always envisioned for myself. I probably shouldn’t admit that when I thought about my future and pictured what I’d be doing, it wasn’t running for office or going to law school. Secretly, I had other plans. If I had shared those plans with my parents, I am betting they wouldn’t have been willing to let me stay at Bradley. I would have done anything to stay at Bradley; even convince myself I wanted to be a lawyer.
In reality, I just wanted to be a wife and a mom. The wife part was fairly easy for me, but the mom part is sometimes a lot harder than I anticipated. To my shock and sometimes dismay, my children have minds of their own. They even talk back, in unfriendly tones more often than I care to list. It’s hard work, this mom gig, but today was a rewarding day.
I volunteer in Alex’s classroom several days a month. Last year I was much more involved with all the students on a weekly basis, mainly because the teacher needed me. Alex’s teacher this year is much more seasoned and when I work with the kids, it’s always the same group and we work on a specific task. So, I haven’t gotten to know as many kids as I did last year, but I do know my small group quite well. I wasn’t scheduled to volunteer today because I left the day open in case I had last minute Christmas shopping to do. Mrs. Hacker, who rarely asks for help, asked for my help and I cleared my calendar. I’m so glad I did.
I feel like a minor celebrity when I walk the halls at Alex’s school. I know most of teachers, but it’s the kids who know me well and often come running up to give me hugs. I am so happy they remember me from last year, even though they’ve all gone on to different classrooms. It makes my day and makes me wonder if I shouldn’t have done more than flirt with an education degree. Today, I stayed in a classroom to help with a complicated craft while the first grade classes rotated in and out of the room. I knew kids in each of the seven classes and they couldn’t wait to tell me all about their Christmas plans while conning me into cutting out their crafts. Alex even acted like we were related. Must be the Christmas spirit. I feel badly that I haven’t had an Alex pictures to post, but he hasn’t been very agreeable about the camera lately. His school party is tomorrow, so maybe I’ll have better luck.
After I left Alex’s school, I bought stocking stuffers SEVEN DAYS IN ADVANCE. I’m very proud. After I bought my last two Christmas gifts, I went to Meredith’s pre-school for her Christmas program and birthday party for Jesus. To Meredith it didn’t count as a program because they didn’t stand on rafters. It was really cute and they sang several sweet little songs. You haven’t seen energy until you’ve been in a classroom full of three-year-olds on their last day before Christmas break. Whew!
Meredith’s teachers mentioned to me last week that she and a little girl named Ava have become inseparable. They play together, eat together, and insist on napping next to each other. Today they couldn’t give each other enough hugs before they left. Meredith kept talking on the way home about how long it would be until she saw “My Ava.” I have always had such wonderful girlfriends and it’s my hope Meredith finds the same, so it really warmed my heart to see her connection to Ava.
In reality, I just wanted to be a wife and a mom. The wife part was fairly easy for me, but the mom part is sometimes a lot harder than I anticipated. To my shock and sometimes dismay, my children have minds of their own. They even talk back, in unfriendly tones more often than I care to list. It’s hard work, this mom gig, but today was a rewarding day.
I volunteer in Alex’s classroom several days a month. Last year I was much more involved with all the students on a weekly basis, mainly because the teacher needed me. Alex’s teacher this year is much more seasoned and when I work with the kids, it’s always the same group and we work on a specific task. So, I haven’t gotten to know as many kids as I did last year, but I do know my small group quite well. I wasn’t scheduled to volunteer today because I left the day open in case I had last minute Christmas shopping to do. Mrs. Hacker, who rarely asks for help, asked for my help and I cleared my calendar. I’m so glad I did.
I feel like a minor celebrity when I walk the halls at Alex’s school. I know most of teachers, but it’s the kids who know me well and often come running up to give me hugs. I am so happy they remember me from last year, even though they’ve all gone on to different classrooms. It makes my day and makes me wonder if I shouldn’t have done more than flirt with an education degree. Today, I stayed in a classroom to help with a complicated craft while the first grade classes rotated in and out of the room. I knew kids in each of the seven classes and they couldn’t wait to tell me all about their Christmas plans while conning me into cutting out their crafts. Alex even acted like we were related. Must be the Christmas spirit. I feel badly that I haven’t had an Alex pictures to post, but he hasn’t been very agreeable about the camera lately. His school party is tomorrow, so maybe I’ll have better luck.
After I left Alex’s school, I bought stocking stuffers SEVEN DAYS IN ADVANCE. I’m very proud. After I bought my last two Christmas gifts, I went to Meredith’s pre-school for her Christmas program and birthday party for Jesus. To Meredith it didn’t count as a program because they didn’t stand on rafters. It was really cute and they sang several sweet little songs. You haven’t seen energy until you’ve been in a classroom full of three-year-olds on their last day before Christmas break. Whew!
Meredith’s teachers mentioned to me last week that she and a little girl named Ava have become inseparable. They play together, eat together, and insist on napping next to each other. Today they couldn’t give each other enough hugs before they left. Meredith kept talking on the way home about how long it would be until she saw “My Ava.” I have always had such wonderful girlfriends and it’s my hope Meredith finds the same, so it really warmed my heart to see her connection to Ava.
Here is Meredith about to sneeze on her friend Ava...I hope their friendship can withstand Meredith's sneezes.

Oh good, they're still friends.
Yesterday, Meredith and I braved the ice and delivered homemade cinnamon rolls and those fabulous sugar roasted pecans to a few close friends. Annie had something under her tree for me.

1 comment:
Love the squirrel! I wish you lived closer so you could deliver cinnamon rolls to us! Can't wait to see you after Christmas!
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