Alex and Meredith both had programs at school that celebrated the true meaning of the season. There is little else I find sweeter than hearing tiny voices sing "Silent Night." You’d also be hard pressed to find another situation where a kid is practically guaranteed to do something to embarrass their parents. It’s waaaaay funnier when it isn’t your child.
This was also the first year that Meredith really does understand who Baby Jesus is. He isn’t just the tiny baby she isn’t supposed to swipe out of our nativity scene. Her preschool class spent all month talking about Him and I can tell she’s starting to understand. When we drive by the hospital in which she was born, Meredith says, “I’m glad I was born there and not in a manger! Poor Jesus!” It makes me stop and count my blessings too. I had fresh cookies and room service, and I wasn’t delivering our Savior.
Alex became very aware of what other boys his age are interested in and he was instantly influenced. For the first time he actually had things on his list for Christmas. It was fun to be able to deliver most of what he wanted, but he told us repeatedly all he truly wanted for Christmas was “for Grandma to get better.” Now that’s something for which I’d be willing to sit in a Target parking lot a 3:00 a.m. on Black Friday.
We also were able to share a special visit from Santa with a few close friends. In years past, we hosted a Santa party that had grown beyond the original purpose of a quiet encounter with Santa. So, when another family asked us if we’d like to join their much smaller group, we did. Meredith got to share the moment with her best little girlfriends, and while Alex was vastly outnumbered, he had fun with our little friend Eli.
My good friend Michelle also made a special Christmas time visit from Seattle. Michelle and I met fourteen years ago, which seems impossible! She was my pledge mom in our sorority and we didn’t know each other all that well when we were paired, but I know God had a hand in our friendship. Now, I don’t think God necessarily cares who your pledge mom is or anything about your sorority for that matter, but he knew Michelle and I would need each other. Michelle really helped me find my faith and for that I’m eternally (no pun intended) grateful. Michelle had a challenging year, and we off-handedly talked about her shaking up her Christmas routine with a visit to the Midwest. She thrilled our whole family, when she called to say she was really coming! We weren’t very entertaining hosts and we probably wore her to a frazzle with our constant noise and bickering, but it was so wonderful to have her with us!

Our Christmas routine was a bit different this year too. Normally, my in-laws are here for Christmas Eve dinner. As I’ve mentioned before, my mother-in-law is still fighting colon and liver cancer. One of the treatments she decided to go forward with makes her radioactive for two weeks. She had her treatment on the 19th. Our house glows as it is, so it was just our little family on Christmas Eve. We had a great dinner and it was cozy, but a little quiet.

Christmas Day we made our trek to Brandon’s grandparents’ farm for a visit with his extended family. It was eerie not having my in-laws there. It felt empty and sort of like Christmas Future. It was nice to be there with loads of little cousins running around, but it made me a little sad.
Today, we made a trip to the mall. Brandon needed a new suit and Brooks Brothers had an unbelievable sale. Everyone in Indiana must have gotten the same e-mail we did, because they were all in line to buy dress shirts. I tried to find something to stuff myself into, but everything I try on looks like a pig in a sausage casing. I’ve come to grips with the fact that the problem doesn’t lye with the clothing.
My parents are coming tomorrow to take the kids back to Nashville with them for an extended visit. It’s a toss up as to who’s more excited. I plan to sleep for five days straight. But before I do, I need to drive a bulldozer through my first floor. We’ve been pretty lazy about picking up the last two days and it’s starting to show. If someone rings our doorbell, we’ll have to hide.

Today, we made a trip to the mall. Brandon needed a new suit and Brooks Brothers had an unbelievable sale. Everyone in Indiana must have gotten the same e-mail we did, because they were all in line to buy dress shirts. I tried to find something to stuff myself into, but everything I try on looks like a pig in a sausage casing. I’ve come to grips with the fact that the problem doesn’t lye with the clothing.
My parents are coming tomorrow to take the kids back to Nashville with them for an extended visit. It’s a toss up as to who’s more excited. I plan to sleep for five days straight. But before I do, I need to drive a bulldozer through my first floor. We’ve been pretty lazy about picking up the last two days and it’s starting to show. If someone rings our doorbell, we’ll have to hide.

Shameful over-use of gaming systems has sadly been our norm for two days. It's going to end, as soon as I get the house back in order and I'm available to parent again. I promise.
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