I told Meredith we would be running a store of sorts, and asked her if she’d like to help me with the customers. I explained to her, we couldn’t bring home every book, and we would ring up purchases for other people. She was more than game and was dressed and ready, well in advance.
There were a couple of other moms working too, so we had loads of coverage. I knew someone else was there to check my math! Lucky for me, no one paid in cash, so I didn’t even have to make change. Yahoo!
About 45 minutes into our hour-long shift, a mom came in with a baby. The baby was mildly interested in Meredith, but mostly wanted to explore and pull books off the low shelves. The mom and the baby were near a front table when Meredith walked up to them and said, “Does your baby like music? Because this book (she pulls a book from another shelf) comes with it’s own CD! She would LOVE it!” The mom tells Meredith the baby does, in fact like music. Meredith follows up with, “Well does she have a CD player in her room? If she does, you should buy this book for her.” Sale closed.
The mom then mentions that her baby really loves cats. Meredith says, “Look at this! We have lots of books about cats!” Second sale closed.
I was cracking up! I told our school directors what had just happened and one of them said, “I have no doubt our sales numbers go up when Meredith is at the book fair.”
I always joke that we’re putting money into Meredith’s 529 and she’ll probably come to us when it’s time for college and tell us she’s going to scrap school and sell Mary Kay instead. We’ll be mad, and then she’ll sell $9 million worth of eyeshadow in a year. After today, I’m revising my theory. I’m guessing Merdi won’t wait until she’s college-aged and her first car will be a pink Caddy.

1 comment:
Hilarious...and adorable!!!! I hope someday Meredith and Wyatt can meet. I have no doubt they'd like each other. :)
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