I’m still like this for the most part. I would travel 364 days a year. (I have a thing about being HOME on Christmas) I am always happy to leave the house for a trip to Target, or even, Lord help me, Menards. Lucky for me, my family suffers from the same affliction.
We’re on the go. A lot. Since getting the new car in August, I’ve put over 10,000 miles on it. Gulp. That worries me because when this one wears out, I probably won’t be legally allowed to purchase a new one, if they’re even still in production under the new world order. Anyway, my point is it’s usually hard to catch us at home; at least it used to be until Meredith discovered a black leotard…
For those of you who know Meredith, you know she spends most of her time living in a fantasy world. The floor of her room is almost always littered with puffy dresses and plastic shoes. I find tiaras and beads in every nook and cranny of our house. The shower, on top of the dryer, in our junk drawer, you name it. Our life has been this way since Merdi was old enough to know what a princess was and what they wear. Lately, the princess dresses have started to loose their luster. They are becoming “too itchy” and “too boring.” Oh no! I see reality creeping over the horizon.
Last weekend, Meredith dug out a black leotard and a coordinating gauzy skirt. They are remnants of the butterfly Halloween costume Meredith never actually wore. Our plans changed, when Sleeping Beauty was available for lunch. (Halloween was spent in Disney last year.) So, this costume is fresh and new and now worn by Meredith on a daily basis, except for the wings and the antenna. You know, the very things that turn a black leotard and tights into a butterfly. Meredith instead has chosen to accessorize the outfit in her own, very Meredith way. She LOVES this outfit. The only problem is, it is in no way acceptable for outside errands. Not on a 14 degree day.
Meredith is like me and when she hears keys jingle or the garage door open, she’ll risk breaking her neck to get down the stairs fast enough to go wherever it is someone is apparently going. Not the case the last three days. Meredith does not want to leave the house if it means wearing real clothes. She even turned down a trip to drive her brother to school, which she normally LOVES. Luckily for her, Brandon is still home so she can hang out in her FAME inspired outfit more than our schedule would normally allow.
Meredith is willing to dress for school and also agreed to leave the house for an afternoon of bowling with Alex, Joe, and Annie. We had an early dismissal day yesterday, so my friend Dawn and I planned to take the kids bowling. Who knew the alley didn’t open until 3:00 p.m.? Luckily, the little arcade next door was open and the kids played games for a half and hour and spent another 30 minutes selecting seven cents worth of junk. We capped our afternoon with a rowdy trip to the DQ.
Alex had gymnastics later that afternoon, and was so excited that Brandon could come and watch. It’s quite a show, let me tell you. Alex is all arms and legs and not the most coordinated kid. Neither is his mother, so it doesn’t come as a shock. After his first lesson he said, “I’m TERRIBLE, but I LOVE it!!!” At this age, that’s all that matters Buddy. Alex burns off energy and grins from ear to ear the entire time, so it’s a good fit.
Today should be a fairly slow paced day, and I’m hoping to get caught up with thank you notes and laundry. I don’t think princesses let their notes slide until a month after their parties, so I better get crackin’.
So it's not ok to leave the house in my leotard? So that explains the looks I've been receiving at the Price Chopper!
I just pictured Meredith adding some leg warmers and running in place to "Maniac" from "Fame." Does she have an off-the-shoulder cut up sweatshirt? Ha!
Beaker, FYI, you're describing a scene from Flashdance, not FAME! Please Lord, let it be FAME! :)
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