On the way home from ballet today, my cell phone rang. It was the school. It was the school nurse! Alex ‘got sick’ after recess and would need to be picked up. Luckily, I was two minutes from his school and swooped in right away. Poor baby was lying on a bed in the nurse’s office and looked pale. He was pretty quiet too.
Alex’s amazingly good-natured teacher laughed off the whole episode even though it happened in her classroom. She was quick to tell me he ran for the tile instead of the carpet. Alex later told me he did so because, “You know how hard that stuff in to get out of carpeting.” He’s a considerate upchucker.
After a fountain Sprite from McDonald’s, some saltines, and a shower, Alex seemed fine. I had to force him to rest in his bed for thirty minutes. He played Wii this afternoon and has discovered some game where you act as the manager of an amusement park. I think the fun is supposed to be in designing the rides. Alex’s idea of fun is to leave the game running and come back to check to see how much revenue his park has generated. I’m not kidding.
The important part is, there have been no repeat performances. Alex is already guaranteed a day home tomorrow because the rule is if you loose it at school, you’re out the next day. Completely understandable and completely agreeable to me because tomorrow is
It’s going to be 75 and SUNNY! We’re going downtown to the parade. I even told his teacher my plan and she gave me the thumbs up. We’re being forced to play hooky. Luck of the Irish, indeed!
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