Yesterday was the final day of VBS and that always means a show of some sort. I had reason to be enthusiastic yesterday and not just for the sake of my friends and their children. Meredith was in the show too, and I had no doubt about her enthusiasm.
I was wrong. Completely wrong. Meredith was a grouch. She was “dehausted” and not interested in singing or dancing. At all. Alex sang every song and made sure he had the moves down pat. Just when I think I know my children, they prove to be total strangers.

Alex was even on the set of the game show, which served as the center of the week. He answered a Bible question…on a microphone. I fainted from shock.
I’m kidding.
At the end of the game show, the teachers who the kids handily trounced were told they would be slimed. They told the kids to stand on the tarp in front of the stage so they could be presented with a trophy. The teachers were not slimed.

We had my friend Rebecca and her kids over to swim after VBS. Meredith did her best to prove what a competent swimmer she is. I made her take another lesson. She has the scary combination of a little skill mixed with hubris. As Rebecca said, Meredith thinks she can will herself to do anything.
We swam until 4:00 p.m. and then went to Monical’s for pizza. Before we left, a big box of Gymboree candy arrived. I hit a super sale on-line and had a 20% off coupon. Leslie Bergerstein lives!!! In the box was lemon yellow tutu/ skirt. Meredith peeled off what I’d dressed her in minutes before and walked out the door in her over the top skirt. I grabbed my camera and told Brandon I wanted to stop and take some pictures in a patch I found earlier in the day. He was surprised to find out the patch was at the end of our street.
The box actually contained more stuff for Alex than Meredith. I’ve had a hard time finding clothes that we both like lately. Which probably says something about our taste! We don’t do character shirts, or sleeveless, or shirts that say things like, “If you think I’m a Stud, you should see My Dad!” I just like simple, classic clothes. The rest of the world does not. Once again, let me just say I belong in one of the Carolinas. I don’t care which. I’m not picky.
Anyway…Alex said, “Mom, I really needed some new clothes. Thanks for ordering these! You’re always out shopping and buying stuff for Meredith, but not me.”
I felt really bad and explained to him I just hadn’t seen anything I thought either of us would like.
He said, “Yeah, no kidding. Who needs another shirt with a skull on it?!”
No, we much prefer lobsters…Maybe I belong on Martha’s Vineyard???
well you know we're all about skulls-but the tutu is fantastic! i have my eye on some red boots for penny there - 34$ for size 9's is still to much for Annie Pageowitz (which doesn't come out often at all). Great pics and you may be surprised - Alex may be your actor after all...
Could this shirt a hand-me-down - I love it - Alex is so my type of boy!!! I am so frustrated with boys clothes right now if it were not for Alex's hand me down Reese would be naked....I am thinking I would love to start my own childrens clothing line in my spare time!! Lizards and Lollipops!!
Too funny~ you crack me up! Our lives are so similar. My kids are at VBS this week with the same studio GO theme. I just spent a fortune at gymboree this week and got Jake several of the crab and lobster shirts. Julia thank goodness still loves Gymboree even though she is almost 8! They do have a great sale now and I even earned gymbucks to spend later. Can't wait to see you in July!
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