· Michelle flew in a week ago Friday, just in time for Meredith’s dance recital. I don’t have many pictures, but here’s one in her costume standing on our scenic driveway.

· Alex got a hole in one on Father’s Day. No, they weren’t playing putt-putt, it was an actual golf course. Yes, he only putted the hole, but he will look you in the eye and tell you, with absolute certainty, he got a hole in one.
· Michelle and I headed south with the kids on Monday. One of the many reasons I love Facebook: I asked for Louisville restaurant suggestions in a status update. Five minutes later, a sorority sister from California, of all places, suggested this gem!

· While we were in Nashville, we did very touristy things. Meredith danced by herself in front of the lunch crowd at The Wild Horse Saloon. We went on a Duck Boat tour.

Alex was annoyed with the heat and humidity.
We also had dinner with our friend Stephanie and saw Burnin’ Las Vegas which is one of two bands I’ve ever seen in Nashville. Out of the two, they are my favorite.
· Michelle flew out of Nashville on Thursday. I did a photo-shoot for someone who works for my mom, while my children ran-sacked her office. Before we left town, we picked up Chess pie for Brandon, four gallons of diet sweet tea, and Cherry Limeades during Sonic’s ½ price happy hour. As Meredith says, “I love Happy Hour. It’s puts a smile on everyone’s face!” Uh Oh.
· The kids and I drove home and it was an interesting drive now that Alex can read. Examples: “What is Hooters? I keep seeing signs for ‘Hoo-Ters,’ with an owl on them.” “There’s an adult book store? Do they only have big chapter books?” I ordered blinders for him as soon as we got home.
That’s our week in a nutshell. We were glad to be home and spent almost four hours at the pool yesterday. Heaven! Next week, is fairly plan-free and I couldn’t be happier!
1 comment:
I can see it now, a grown up Alex and Meredith, going to Hooters for happy hour. :)
About the other post, Wyatt is just like Meredith and doesn't know a stranger either.....
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