For all who wonder, Meredith’s mouth is on the mend. Her swollen lip is almost back to normal. The interior scrapes are nearly healed and the tooth socket itself looks much less hostile. The brown tooth is slightly on the wiggly side, so I hope the Tooth Fairy can find us in Maui. I am also happy to report that Meredith kicked her liquid Motrin habit.
Late Thursday, after the sun came out, we went swimming with my friend Karen and her kids. Karen is my friend who moved to Florida five years ago. We get to see them once or twice a year, usually during their visit here and/or our visit to Florida.
Anyway, we swam and then decided to go to the “Meet the Beatles” concert in the park next to our neighborhood. Brandon was home, so we went to Kroger, made an impromptu picnic and had a great time!
The Staperts came too and we saw a handful of our other neighbors. It was the perfect temperature and there were very few, if any bugs. About ¾ of the way through the concert, Alex said, “Mom, just so you know, these aren’t the real Beatles.” Thank you, Alex. The funny thing was most of the kids knew the songs. Alex’s music teacher did a good chunk of the Beatles catalogue with the kids this year. It was cute to see them all mouthing the words and Meredith ran around with her curls blowing in the breeze.
I’m also really glad we went to the concert because Dawn invited us over for breakfast the next morning! The kids slept fairly late, so we just got up, pulled on clothes and went to the Stapert’s for waffles. I took some berries and a bottle of champagne and Dawn and I toasted easy summer mornings with a mimosa.
We hung around Dawn’s wearing out our welcome and then went to the pool for the rest of the afternoon. The kids and I were the only people there until Dawn and her kids arrived. We were the only people for an hour or so, and then a stream of girls right around Meredith and Annie’s age strolled in. There were Barbies floating all over the pool and lots and lots of squealing. We left about the time the squealing turned into whining.
This is our final weekend home before we leave for vacation. I have a few errands to run and I think we may get Meredith’s hair whipped into some sort of shape. Alex has a birthday part to go to next door that lasts for four hours. YESSSS!!!! Although, the party is for the same little boy who informed me this week he was trying to arrange for a V.I.P. room at his party. He’s turning eight. I don’t want to live next door to him when he turns 16.
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