I'm not sure how much I'll be keeping up with the blog the next couple of weeks. As many of you know, our 10th anniversary is next Friday.

We decided to celebrate with the kids in tow on a trip to Maui. Maui is our favorite place, well it's a tie with Ireland, but we love it and always use it as a yard stick any time we travel to a new place. We always knew we wanted to share it with the kids, we just thought it would be a few years down the road.
Then we decided, why not? Carpe Diem. We have hotel points, we have airline miles, Brandon has a job, and our kids are good travelers. Five years from now, all that could change. Five years from now, our kids might be too busy (or embarrassed) to cross the street with us. So, away we go!
Oh, I'm realistic enough to know we may live to regret our decision. Alex and Meredith fight like cats and dogs. Alex still throws temper tantrums and Meredith seems to be susceptible to injury. My hope is they'll be too busy and too awe struck to argue. Cross your fingers.
I'm packing suitcases for three and supervising what goes into Brandon's bag. He always seem to pull out the weirdest shirts when we travel. I'm not thrilled with my wardrobe selections at this weight, but at this point it's a little late to start fasting...
We leave early Tuesday morning and the kids are squealing with excitement. After nearly two months of being MIA, we found Alex's Nintendo DS today. I squealed and the kids thought I'd lost my mind. After riping apart our house and calling every establishment we've visited since May, Alex found it in a toy bin...hidden underneath construction tools. Argh! Bygones! We have it in time for the trip. You better believe I covered the thing in sharpie with my cell number.
I think I'll try to hop on once or twice during the trip if for no other reason to keep track of our adventure down the road. Things get fuzzy when I come home and start running the washing machine.
Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to see pictures :-)
Happy 10th!! Enjoy your vacation. We will be anxiously awaiting to hear all about it!
Yea you found the DS!!!!!!!!!!
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