Monday, June 29, 2009

From now on, I'm wearing steel-toed boots...

Here’s a post you won’t mind not having a photo to go along with…

I always make a big breakfast on Sunday. The kids take turns arguing over what I’m going to make, but it’s pretty standard breakfast fare. A miracle occurred yesterday and they both wanted pancakes. Brandon doesn’t vote, because you have to be out of bed to vote. He’s more than happy to eat anything placed in front of him.

I had a craving for chocolate chip pancakes. As you might guess, melting chocolate chips make a mess of the griddle. I always make the plain pancakes first and round out the batch with chocolate chip. Same story yesterday.

HOWEVER, as I was flipping the pancakes an errant chocolate chip flew out of a pancake and onto the second toe on my left foot. At first I was just happy it didn’t land on the floor I’d steamed the night before. Happiness was quickly eclipsed by the feeling of 375 degree chocolate melting on my toe.

(A word about my kitchen sink: I’m a nazi when it comes to stainless steel. The rest of my house can be a disaster, but my sink is clean at all times. I got through a can of Comet every two weeks. I even dry it out after I use it. I know that’s strange because Sara B., who is an authority on OCD cleaning laughed at me. We installed a sink in our garage, so Brandon could wash his hands out there after mowing, fertilizing, or hitting golf balls. If he wants to get under my skin, he’ll plant a bush and wash off the clay that passes for soil around here in my kitchen sink. I know. I’m crazy.)

So, imagine my horror when I was so desperate to get the Tollhouse Chip from Hell off my toe, I stuck my entire foot into the kitchen sink. Not to mention the sheer agility it took to do so without falling on my ‘rear-hind,’ as Alex used to call it.

When the rest of my family figured out what had happened they all started laughing. Alex said, “Mom? Are you okay? I don’t mean to laugh, it’s just so funny!” It was funny. I was laughing through tears. As soon as I got the chocolate off my toe, I noticed the skin was already started to do something weird. An hour later, I had a blister the exact size and shape of a chocolate chip, minus the swirl.

I’ll spare you the details in case you’re having breakfast while reading, but the blister is all but gone and I’m able to wear flip-flops, which was my biggest concern. It’s a good thing because workman’s comp isn’t available to moms.


Renee said...

Your poor toe! (One more reason for me to keep using the Eggo's)

Jill C. said...

OMG! I wondered why you had a band-aid on your toe yesterday at the pool!! I thought maybe a blister from new shoes or something...this is so much funnier!!!