Friday, June 5, 2009

Tea with a unicorn

When my friend Annie and I met through another photographer’s blog last summer one of the first things Annie asked me was if I’d be interested in a “will paint for food type of arrangement.” I liked Annie immediately!

As you all know by now, Annie is a very talented artist and offers custom and themed canvas works. She was in the process of building her website and wanted her portfolio re-photographed. I was more than happy to help. After pleading with two year olds and waiting for newborns to “smile,” photographing canvases sounded really appealing.

As part of our deal and because Annie is incredibly sweet, she agreed to tackle something she hadn’t done before. A table and chair set. When Alex turned one, Brandon and I had a table and chair set customized for him. It’s really cute and it's gotten an incredible amount of use over the years. We bought a set for Meredith before she turned one and it sat in our basement until I gave it to Annie.

I wasn’t very helpful in coming up with ideas, and pretty much just gave Annie free reign. I think she just paid attention to details I went nuts over when photographing her other works and incorporated them into the set. I couldn’t be happier with the end result.

Meredith is thrilled and immediately set up a tea party for herself and invited a pink unicorn, who appears to be really annoyed.


Sara Alexander said...

That unicorn is kind of scary. It looks like one of her little friends dressed in a costume. LOVE the table and chairs, by the way:)

Penny Pickles said...

That unicorn is HILARIOUS - he does look pissed off for some reason - that or stoned. I am glad she likes it - it was my pleasure to do it - sorry I didn't get it to you sooner!

love you!