Wednesday, July 15, 2009


After I don't know how many hours of travel...I didn't let myself think about it, we arrived in Maui around 5:30 p.m local time last night. I don't know what it is about this place, that draws me to it like it does, but my entire being is so fulfilled and happy year. I'm a restless girl. Always have been, but that all vanishes with my first breath of Maui air. I sound like a nut, but I'm serious.

The funny thing is, Meredith noticed it as soon as we strolled through the open-air airport. "Mom! It smells sooooo good here. Like coconuts! I LOVE it already!" Alex is joyful and outwardly so, which doesn't always happen. He was SINGING in the shower! Absolutely no inhibitions. We've been here a little over 12 hours and the kids are sold!

I told Brandon this morning, I feel very, very sorry for whomever these two wind up marrying. I was a pretty easy traveler. I didn't really cared where I went or stayed, because frankly we didn't go on that many trips and when we did, I was THRILLED with practically any hotel room. These kids are spoiled. Not in a bad, bratty way necessarily, I will always insist on courtesy and consideration, but the are SPOILED!

The kids are doing fairly well with the six hour time difference. I decided we would just get on Maui time as soon as we arrived. It was 5:30 pm, end. of. story. Alex wasn't at all satisfied with that answer, but he's over it. The kids did wake up at 3:30 am. I went to their room to see what the problem was and they were giggling about going to the pool. Which, oddly enough is open 24 hours a day and our bell hop said, "You know, that way if you wake up at 3:00 am, still on Indiana time, you can go for a swim." I think they've inherited my internal Kramer clock.

Meredith and I are having a spa day today and the boys are playing golf. My cup runneth over!


Michelle said...

Sounds like heaven. Enjoy every minute!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you all are having a wonderful time - sounds like heaven!!! Your wedding picture made me cry - was that really 10 years ago.....what memories - from ironing your honeymoon attire to the exciting ride with Grandpa you me when you get back!!!