Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Gator!

I know it’s completely cliché, and everyone probably has the same thought on their child’s birthday, but I simply can’t believe Alex is six years old. Six is a big one for me. Five, I could tolerate. Five means kindergarten, and while still a big step; they’re the little ones of the school. Guarded, protected, nurtured. But six?! I clearly remember being six and it doesn't seem like that long ago. That's what scares me.

Of course I remember the day he arrived and most days in between. He’s our first, so every milestone was met with assumptions of genius, applause, heart swells, and documentation in two forms. It just all seems to be such a blur. I’m so proud of all he’s learned and how much he’s grown, but boy do I wish I could keep him with me forever.

Alex was pretty excited about having school on his birthday. He waited--with great anticipation--all year to hear his name and birthday announced over the loud speaker. His greatest fear was school would end before his birthday, and he wouldn’t hear his name. Naturally, we aren’t encouraged to bring treats. Lord forbid, we cause an allergic reaction or interrupt all the learning that goes on during the last three days of school. However, we are allowed to bring a gift for the classroom. Alex picked out a dinosaur floor puzzle. It was wrapped and ready and as I tucked him in he told me people ignore the warning and bring in treats. I’m a rule follower, but I decided to ask for forgiveness instead of permission and sent him with treats.

Alex has his Kindergarten Connection program this afternoon, and after that Meredith and I are taking Alex to lunch. He’s never been to Benihana, and cheesy as it is (Thank you Michael Scottt), I think he’ll love it.

In honor of Alex’s sixth here are six fun things about him:

He is really into anything relating to math. I’m drilled with math questions eight hours a day. Money is the latest fascination, to the point of annoyance!

He loves to travel, and sees no reason why we can’t see the world.

Everyday, no matter what, he puts his pants on crooked. They’re always slightly askew and how he doesn’t notice is beyond me.

Even if we purchased all the contents of Office Depot and an art supply store it wouldn’t be enough. He has complete devotion to office supplies and art stuff.

He still sleeps with his blankets, Stripes and Green, and willingly gives Brandon and I hugs and kisses.

He would live outside if we let him and can entertain himself by digging for hours on end.


Jamie said...

I can't believe he is six either. It seems like just yesterday we were all having breakfast and you were pregnant with him. I guess it just goes to show how quickly time passes.

He is an adorable little boy and very lucky to have a great mom! I hope he enjoys his day!

Kelly said...

Please tell Alex that Aunt Kelly thinks that he needs his own blog since he has his own camera! Also tell him that his gift is coming and it is complete with 500 cotton balls and small pieces for his Mom. :) I should add that they are so small they stick to carpet and are a nightmare to clean up. Also please tell him that when I do see him he gets a BIG birthday tickle!!