Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Milestone

Looking back, I'd say a haircut was definitely in order!

Every once in awhile when someone compliments Meredith on her outfit she'll shoot back with, "Thank you, and what about my hair?!"

Merdi loves her curls, almost as much as she loves attention.! Brandon and I love them too, and so I've had, what turned out to be a completely irrational fear, that the curls would drop to the floor if we so much as trimmed her hair. The longer her hair grew the more scraggly it started to look, so I started to suggest we get it trimmed. It's hard to say who was more shocked by the idea...Daddy or Meredith.
So, after much cajoling and bribery, I convinced Meredith it was time for a trim. I had to dangle the promise of a manicure before she bit. She said, "Oh yea! A manicure! Wait, what's a manicure, Mom?"

Today was the big day, and Merdi was so excited about the idea of a manicure, she wanted to get her hair done before breakfast. Our appointment wasn't until noon, and you haven't experienced frustration until you try to explain the idea of an appointment book to a two year old.

We had the "salon" all to ourselves, and when Meredith found out she got to sit in a Princess Jeep, there was no holding her back. The stylist was great and the receptionist chatted us up the entire time. The haircut was pretty fast, but the manicure took awhile. I couldn't believe it, but she sat very still so she didn't goof up her nails. The three of us, were rolling listening to Meredith talk with the stylist as she did her nails. It seriously sounded like a 25 year old just having a run of the mill conversation. I kicked myself for not bringing the video camera.

Afterwards, we had to make a trip to my old office to show off her manicure and new 'do to Meredith's good friend, Miss Barbara. Miss Barbara, according to Meredith, has beautiful nails and would want to see hers. Meredith loves to visit her because she always has multiple lipstick tubes which she allows Meredith to try on.

We stopped for drinks at Starbucks afterwards and she was sitting on a big leather couch just saying one hilarious thing after another and holding my hand. I was almost overcome with love for her right there in front of half of Hamilton county. I know how fast these moments go by, and I wish I could keep her little forever. Maybe it wasn't the curls I was afraid of losing after all.

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