Thursday, January 3, 2008

Boy did I miss them!

After a salt-pelting drive to Nashville, I was so excited to see the kids! It was hard not to drive 90 down the road to my parents' house. It was nice to have some time to myself for a couple of days, but I'm kind of lost without my little sidekicks. I must have asked Brandon 20 times if he "missed the kids," but then it dawned on me, he has to leave them every week, so it was pretty routine for him.

GramPam has some sort of bug, so the kids and I went out to see a movie and grab some dinner at what Alex considers to be one of the finer restaurants in the world... (I blame our trips to the OG on Alex, but secretly I still harbour the same love for their salad and bread sticks that I always have. Foodies be damned!) We wound up eating at Chick-Fil-A, because, get this there was a 50 minute wait at the afore mentioned culinary gem. Someone apparently still likes the angel hair with marinara too.

Now, if we'd gone to eat when we originally planned--at 4:45 pm, the wait wouldn't have been an issue, but if you think I'm paying anything aside from a matinee price for a movie, you don't know me well! There was a 4:50 showing of The Waterhorse, which I thought was going to be a cute little story about a creature from the sea who happened to be raised by a little boy....In my defense Alex picked it, but I wasn't really prepared for the story of the Lochness Monster and how he became violent as a result of Scottish bombings! Meredith claimed to not be scared, but she watched most of the movie through her popcorn-scented hands.

Before bath, Alex put his new best friend "Robancha" to work cleaning the baseboards. If only Robancha could pick up Lego's and grocery shop. Then, he would be my best friend too.

I grabbed my camera to capture Alex's budding engineering skills, and Meredith put on her own show.

In case you ever wondered what Sally Jesse Raphael looked like in her early years...

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