Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hey Y'all!

To those of you who do read this with regularity, but do not talk to me on a regular basis…or lack the desire and/or will to keep up with our crazy schedule, I apologize for making you think I headed for the hills.

Brandon and I took a long weekend trip. Any guesses on where we went? Leave your guess in the comments, and the winner will get an exotic prize that I dig out of my junk drawer.


Jamie said...


How did you end up there? Did you have fun? Give us some details! :)

StephTate said...

You did go to Savannah! Ah - love Paula Deen! Very jealous! Just sitting here at my desk in a sea of papers!!! :)

A. Reed said...

How is it possible to hate and love you at the same time. Just kidding!!! Love Paula Deen, Im so jealous right now. I don't care how many famous photographers you end up brushing elbows with but the Lady and your pushing it. Glad you had fun.