Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Update

It’s taken me 30+ years to learn how easily distracted I am. I needed to reboot the computer. Someone told me in 8th grade computer lab that when you reboot you should allow the system approximately two minutes to rest between restarts. 20 years later, I’m still operating on that theory. I’m a rule follower. With my two minutes I thought I’d cram the cereal bowls into the dishwasher and start it. On my way to the kitchen, I cut through the dining room. I thought the floors looked cloudy. I decided to vacuum and steam mop. I them moved onto my foyer hall. It took me all that time to realize I had ignored the dishwasher completely. It’s a miracle my children show up when and where they need to.

This weekend was busy, but that’s really nothing new. Friday night, I had dinner with my friends Amy R. and Dawn. They are both former neighbors and I so miss being able to open my garage door and find someone hanging out in the cul-de-sac waiting to chat. Dawn is getting ready to leave on a European cruise for her 10th wedding anniversary, so we had to see her off properly. I’m so excited for her!

Saturday morning was filled with soccer. Alex has moved up in the league and now plays on an all boy team where people actually understand and play the game. This doesn’t fit well with Alex’s um, “style.” We’ll see how long this lasts. Meredith can’t wait to be eligible, so I’m sure our soccer days will continue.

The rest of our Saturday was consumed with trading in our van. The old girl was showing her age and it was time to move on before we lost our transmission. I am not one of those moms who was excited to drive a mini-van, so I can’t say I’ll miss it, but it served us well for six years. What I will miss are the automatic doors and my favorite feature…it was paid for. The new vehicle doesn’t offer either.

Sunday morning I took the kids to the pool for what is surely one of our last swims. Every time we go, I tell them this is it so “say goodbye to the pool,” then we come back two days later. After we got home, we made a trip to Costco and to get Rolly’s new specialty food.

Poor Rolly’s had a rough go of it lately. He spent the weekend with the vet, but seems to be better now. Rolly came home with a sack of pills and now eats food that costs three times as much as his old stuff.

Brandon grilled filets for dinner and I made Cesar salad (so what if it was from a bag, it counts), green beans and crash-hot potatoes. These potatoes are great and so, so easy. Do yourself a favor click on the link and try them! The big dinner was to celebrate Brandon’s promotion at work. I don’t mean to be obnoxious and braggy by announcing it on my blog, but it was well deserved! He works so hard and we are very, very proud of him! We went out for ice cream afterwards and you’re crazy if you think anyone was allowed to eat it in the new car.
Oh, a special note to Kelly. The sunset picture is just for you. I can't tell you how many times I've been on the phone with Kelly early in the morning and while letting out the dog I'll mention how gorgeous the sunrise is. She always makes fun of me. I can't help it. I was born 40 years old, so I'm nearing my mid 70's and the older set knows how to appreciate a good sunrise.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on both the new car and new job for Brandon! You forgot to post a pic of the new car! Leaving us in suspense, eh? :)

My Website - Shutterbug Photography & Designs

Jamie said...

Those crash hot potatoes are great. I made them several weeks ago and loved them.

On with the details about the car. What did you get?? :)