Monday, September 8, 2008

Leslie and the Giant Sunflower

I’m not a prop person. I don’t like to pose kids. Some people like that sort of thing, and by all means, more power to you if you happen to be one of those people. There is after all, a time and a place for everything, and I for one am so glad I posed with a giant ’94 in my senior pictures. So, I surprised myself by buying a big sunflower at the Farmer’s Market last weekend. I had no idea how I was going to use it, I just knew I wanted to.

I didn’t have any shoots scheduled for this week, and with its limited shelf-life, I needed to use the sunflower before it went to seed. Enter my on-retainer models, Alex and Meredith. It didn’t occur to me when I purchased the sunflower that to get the sort of shot I sort of imagined, I should have purchased all the flowers the guy had. I just handed the flower to Meredith and let her go. Alex is normally averse to being in front of the lens, but when I mentioned I’d be using the sunflower, he was more than willing. Should I be worried?

I'm feeling indicisive today, so you'll have to tell me which you prefer.

color: or black and white?

Please, someone help me, I don't make decisions well.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking B&W and have the sunflower in color :)

Jamie said...

I agree with Amy. Go with the black and white and color pop the flower.

Penny Pickles said...

b/w - i like the lighting on the kids better with b/w. i too am so glad i posed with a ginormous 94 - just in case i forget when i graduated!

A. Reed said...

I like the color but their skin looks a just a little red. You may be able to run the pop and mask their skin tones a little. Love the first shot!